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  1. boost_it


    you are like as a bunch of chimpanzees, crying at everything. think ahead and not backwards as you have done for the last hour, it's the future, not the 70s.
  2. boost_it


    oh! I'm just playing with you ;) You must wait 17 hours 24 minutes to see the real deal ;)
  3. boost_it


    that snowmobile everyone is talking about. are red and white. the name of the snowmobile is Viper.
  4. boost_it


    grab a beer and calm down ;)
  5. boost_it


    Yamaha and cat building a secret sled. Yammi has bay 60% of cat
  6. boost_it


    Yamaha and cat building a secret sled. Yammi has bay 60% of cat
  7. boost_it


    if you read about the snake on the picture. you will find interesting names on the snake and you can stop guessing.
  8. boost_it


    Other Details of Year of Snake 1. Ideal compatibility with: Ox and Rooster. 2. More or less compatible with: Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep. 3. Absolutely incompatible with: Tiger and Pig. 4. Lucky colors for the Snake: Yellow, Red 5. Lucky directions for the Snake: Southwest...
  9. boost_it


    That is not a Yammi, everyone can see it!
  10. boost_it

    Project: Phazer MTX "facelift"

    Nice Chris ;)
