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Search results

  1. SRX#756

    Where to start with poor performance

    Srxspec mentioned 145hp. He must have taken into account your mods. Stock on the SRVipers is 130hp. I bought one when they first came out and have been disappointed with the performance ever since. I just bought a new sidewinder this year and wow! Give your wife the Viper as it's a good fit...
  2. SRX#756

    SLP exhaust can

    @Cc440 I've been on the fence about which can for a few months. Just after my post about you trying youtube, I decided to go with SLP... winter is close! lol Love what their triple pipes did for my old viper, as well as other products and dealings with them. I'm a techy so uploading videos...
  3. SRX#756

    SLP exhaust can

    @Cc440 Why don't you upload the video to youtube and share the link to it?
  4. SRX#756

    Oil Change Access

    Anybody put a skid plate on their Viper? Is it easily removed to change the oil filter or do you have to drill and re-rivet it?
  5. SRX#756

    SLP exhaust can

    I was thinking MBRP can initially but after researching I am on the fence... didn't realize there were as many options. My main factors are price and trail legal. Packing isn't desirable and all ceramic or SS is a major plus. I've been extremely happy with SLPs quality and service in the...
  6. SRX#756

    SLP exhaust can

    From SLP catalog:
  7. SRX#756

    4th wheel kits

    He has 13,ooo miles on the 7.12 wheels and hifaxes are fine, so I went with 7.12 wheels and eliminate tri-hub. I didn't go with his 7.5 setup due to extra cost... doesn't seem necessary.
  8. SRX#756

    Let it snow!

    Let it snow!
  9. SRX#756

    4th wheel kits

    This is from Belanger Racing: Hey Matt, I'm not sure what kit your looking for, just adding the out side wheels is $115.95 plus shipping, doing 4 wheels and deleting the stock tri hub would be $179.95 What track length do you have on that model? some of the Vipers use stock size 7.12 and...
  10. SRX#756

    4th wheel kits

    Larsen product brochure: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/t31.0-8/1093853_554330147936667_366579650_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/t31.0-8/1167181_554330427936639_874031880_o.jpg
  11. SRX#756

    Viper Chaincase important info

    We've almost got too much snow here in Michigan, if such a thing exists lol We haven't had a thaw in a month.
  12. SRX#756

    How many are happy with thier Viper?

    I'm nearly at 500 miles between the last 2 weekends. I love this sled. I bleed blue so my ski doo and polaris buddies are having a hay day over this, but I'm so glad with my decision. I let a friend with an AC 1100 turbo ride it this weekend. He is buying a Viper this week.
