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Search results

  1. V

    Track Tension and Racheting

    I found the best way to limit the ratcheting is to put external drivers on the drive shaft, that was you can almost eliminate the ratcheting and run the track way more loose at the same time. Drivers are cheep but the clips for the track are almost $200 and you need a special tool to ensure you...
  2. V

    Funny noise

    I also have a 06 RS Venture, and had a similar problem with the belt with very low miles on it. Actually last winter I blew up 5 belts (after which I decided enough is enough naturally) I figured the belts were blowing up because of excess heat, so as not to work the clutches as hard I decided...
  3. V

    RS Venture Rear Suspension

    I have a 06 RS Venture and I've been pretty unsatisfied with the rear suspension(too soft), my new problem with it happened on the weekend, I hit a snow drift(or two) out on a lake and sheared off the front shock on the rear slide rail suspension, consequently I tore some of my track, ripped a...
  4. V

    06 RS Venture - Overheat

    I have an 06 RS Venture and it has a guard but it does not protect the front of the hose which is almost directly under the primary, good spot to catch a blown belt and leave you leaking coolant.
