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05 rx-1 suspension

When the cable breaks it has a tendency to rotate back to the softest setting. Very soft and frequent bottoming stressing the pivot arm.

Ill be damned After my last post I did my daily check on the MONO R/A before going to meet red2003 Steve and what do I find.. Both idlers of which you speak gone! :o| :o| Nothing but races left. Sure, Im glad the rails are not broken but What the hell! This person I dont know is already on his way and my 05 suspension is crap! What gives with the "Hot Wheels" style wheels anyhow? damn hard plastic wheels didnt hold up on the matchbox who would expect it for a sled? So scrambling like a one man pit crew I head for the old suspension and luckily the 4500 mile originals fit. I paid alot for the MONO RA with No warranty, bushings are getting spendy and it clunks! Am I sorry for this rant? NOT Luckily I did get to ride and got a quick 60+ mile run on some sweet trails. Did find one wheel on the way back...Woo gotta love that mono but its still better than original. If I could start over..Cat skid! Use the extra grand going faster ;)!
I gotta figure that Yamaha got so caught up in the saving weight thing that they changed the wheels to all plastic. In My opinion this sucks. I just went out and checked mine over for a half hour this morning and I so far don't have any of these issues. No rust on my welds, all wheels in place and working. However, this skid will definitely be coming out of the sled this summer and have a real good going over. If I can find rubber wheels to replace the plastic wheels I am definitely going to do it. I will also replace all bushings and put Zerks in the skid.
