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'06 s at St. Agatha, Maine


Apr 13, 2003
Skowhegan, Maine
Miss Patty and I went to "The County" hoping to get in one more ride/ first the bad news/ it rained most of the time we were there/ the GOOD news is that Yamaha was there with the '06 s for us to ride/Now this is an impression from people that are 60 plus (us) so you have to keep that in mind as we use the sleds (our two Warriors) as one up cruisers. (around 3000 miles a year each)/// Okay first the shorty/ very smooth and more nimble handling/ much improved ride/ M-10 like/ If I were 25 and wanted the fastest they make this would be my choice/ however I'm Not/ Now for the Attack/ This sled is the BEST sled Yamaha has ever made it's ride is far superior to the shorty/ put a set of dually's on it and your home/ that's it/ The ergo's are perfect - why even an old guy like me can slide side to side easily and standing is a breeze that's even without my cane/ can you just imagine that!!!!The engines are smooth and seemed quieter but that may only be my perception/ Since I own a Warrior and this was a test run in heavy and slushy snow I couldn't honestly tell if this sled in the stock mode was that much faster but my guess is that it's a tad quicker and I would expect that when driven moderately that the fuel mileage will be one or two MPG better than the Warrior/ overall I would concur with the previous assesments that were posted on this site/ Yamaha has listened and done it's home work./ be patient they'll address the suspension wear issue/ Think about it-- while other brands are still wondering if their sled will get'em home we're whinning about bearing and bushing wear-- man what I wouldn't have given years ago for this to be my biggest concern/Just get on the damn thing and ride it/ Is this a great Addiction ( snowmobiling) or what !!!!

;)! This is what I like to see, test pilots getting a chance to ride the 06's in nasty stuff (like I unfortunately seem to be in most of the time) and the Attak has been the clear cut favorite ;)! ;)!
Hi jimbob not sure if you remember me or not,myself and friend who had an 800ho rev came up to your camp/house for a tammi ride on a fri. ride to rangley,i had the blue 03 shorty with freddies air box mod on,back when it was new to most people,and mine was using bogus amounts of oil,i even had to go to rev it up to get a qt. before i could make it back,and i had the cat skid in mine,any way i was up in st.agatha with john of Garys yamaha out of caribou,who had the trailer where we were doing paper work so you could test drive the sleds,this was on sat. the 3rd if you were there on the 3rd i must of missed ya,or we dident recognize each other,either way,i was sort of helping out,when they wanted a test grunt,like dave the yammi area rep had me help him take sleds to uptown for gas,than john and myself go find a better route, cause the trail that we were using was getting washed out in spots,this was before the rain that came in around 3pm, and we were all done after 3pm,but to compare notes,it was all attak for me,but when i rode the ER in colebrook it was all GT shorty,not any more,wow the attak was that good,and now for quickness comparison,between the 05 rx warrior and the ER i had at the time we ran them,john and i riped it up trying to find a new trail,but only found more water soaked fields,but we did fiend a good test field to run them in,and it is not a race between any 05s and 06s if running from a dead stop,the apex eats any and all 05 rx model hard,we both weigh close to the same,well maybe i have him by 20 lbs. i could leave him by 5-7 sleds easy,but if we were at say 80 mph and ran them or he got out on me by 2-3 i could not run by him,but the ER and attak both had woddy dullies on them and as most of us know they will cost ya 5-7 mph on top end,and the snow up there was very soft and wet,but 06s rock no comparo between the two.. ;)!
Yep/ I remember who you are/It was around noonish or a little later that Miss Patty and I were there/ I'm pretty sure it was Friday that we tried the sleds/ Your right/ The Attack is overall much better/later/
Jim-Bob/ Your posts are very hard to read/ The period key (.) is right beside the slash (/) key/ Use it istead of the slash key and we'll all be able to understand what you're saying easier/ :D
