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07 Attak VS Nytro XTXs

kviper said:
You have two option's that will get you there. With your size and going the cheapest route I would go to a twenty two tooth top gear and Ulmer air box, PC-111 and ignition module. With your size I am suspecting traction is not your problem. A YamCharger would also get you there and probably then some but cost you more. Either way Allan Ulmer is a strait up person that will set you up. (605)387-2833 for Ulmer racin.

X2 on the gear change. That would be the place to start. The next best bang for your buck is the yamacharger imo. The airbox won't be enough, and the PCIII and Ignition module are only worth a sled length in my testing. That's a lot of cash for a sled length. I Would start with that gear change though and see where you are at. You might be surprised, and it's the cheapest mod.

kviper said:
You have two option's that will get you there. With your size and going the cheapest route I would go to a twenty two tooth top gear and Ulmer air box, PC-111 and ignition module. With your size I am suspecting traction is not your problem. A YamCharger would also get you there and probably then some but cost you more. Either way Allan Ulmer is a strait up person that will set you up. (605)387-2833 for Ulmer racin.

By dropping a tooth up top with a gear change, do you guys feel my top end will be hurt? Or is it pulling so hard that the slight change in gearing will only help? Put a call in to Allan yesterday and haven't heard back. Maybe I'll try him again later on today. Thanks.
The gear change would be to pull your weight. It's hard to say, but you may actually be faster on top if it is having trouble pulling the current gear. Basically you are giving it more torque. Think of it as a 10 speed bike... Riding it as fast as you can, and very light weight person may be able to pedal the highest gear and get a great top speed. If a heavier person tries to pedal in that same high gear the may not be able to turn it very fast and would be considerably slower. Now if the heavier guy downshifts one gear his pedal speed will be faster and would actually be faster than he was in the higher gear. Make sense?
nailsandrails said:
The gear change would be to pull your weight. It's hard to say, but you may actually be faster on top if it is having trouble pulling the current gear. Basically you are giving it more torque. Think of it as a 10 speed bike... Riding it as fast as you can, and very light weight person may be able to pedal the highest gear and get a great top speed. If a heavier person tries to pedal in that same high gear the may not be able to turn it very fast and would be considerably slower. Now if the heavier guy downshifts one gear his pedal speed will be faster and would actually be faster than he was in the higher gear. Make sense?

Thats what I was thinking and am hoping. Like I said the fastest I've ever seen is 107 in perfect hard pack/ice conditions. When my buddy hopped on (200+ lbs lighter) he said he saw 117. Hopefully its what I need through the powerband as well as for top end. Will the clutching be messed up with a slight gear change or will the clutches be able to compensate ok? Thanks for the help.
You'll just have to run it after the gear change and see. It's likely you'll be able to back the secondary off some. You said you increased it one notch... So you are still running the white spring and it is now in holes 6-1?
nailsandrails said:
You'll just have to run it after the gear change and see. It's likely you'll be able to back the secondary off some. You said you increased it one notch... So you are still running the white spring and it is now in holes 6-1?

That is correct on my secondary setting. Is it possible my secondary spring is weaker than a new one, hence the need for me to tighten it up? If I drop a tooth on the top will I need a new chain - ie is the stock chain a 68 or 70 link?

Have left a message at Ulmers and called a few times through the last couple days and have not been able to get ahold of Allen. Maybe tomorrow.
Stock is a 70l and you would need the 68l chain. You might be able to find one used off of this board or some of the resellers. A weak spring is always a possibility but I wouldn't expect it. The stock setup was not meant to pull your weight which is why you are having to adjust.

Hopefully Ulmer gets back to you and you can discuss with him as well. He is a great resource and will steer you in the right direction.
