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08 nytro 121 - biggest track with studs and stock drivers?


Oct 27, 2009
Michigan, SE
Buddy of mine wants to swap a 1.5" cobra with studs, with stock drivers. Is this going to be okay, or does he have to switch to 8t drivers. What kind of clearance are we talking with the stock drivers.

On my 09 i have the stock 1.25" with studs without any issues.

Any inshight would be great. Tried doing a search and keep reading different opinions, without a direct answer to my question.

Plenty of guys put 1.5 or 1.75 tracks on and don't switch drives...shouldn't be an issue
I have never heard of a 1.5" cobra???? I was sure the cobra tracks are/where, 1.375" and then most will run a 1.5" stud. If this is the case then you will be fine as long as the track isn't too loose. Keep an eye on the tension to not allow excessive track ballooning at high speeds. This will also help with track slapping during hard breaking. I hope this helps. Cheers, Scott
If not running extroverts, you need to plan that the track will ratchet somewhere down the line. Think of the clearance having the inner cog depths added to the assumed clearance. Taking chances with anything over 1.325 IMO.

the track hes talking about is a cobra 1.325" and the studs im running are redtip 1.52", total length of em are 1.83. Hope this helps
I have a 2011 Nytro RTX with a 1.5 Intense. I had to cut the front protectors. I put it in with out and bang they hit. With the protectors removed no issues on the front cooler. I'm assuming the Drivers are different on my sled compared to yours.
