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121 vs 136


Apr 11, 2005
Kettleby, Ontario
2017 Sidewinder LTX LE
I currently have a 2006 Apex ER, and I am thinking of trading up to a 08 sled,either another ER or a Ltx for a better ride in moguls.Is there much difference in handling or speed between a 121 or 136 track sled.

From my experience on my Attak
- better stability especially at high speed
- better hole shot because of extra traction
- better in the bumps because it bridges the moguls
- top end faster than Apex ER and even with Apex GT
- no performance loss in tight twisty trails

Just my opinion but I prefer the 136" track on the 150 EFI motor.
I would concur with Swiss Sledder on all the above with the exception of being faster. The 136 will not be faster on top, but it will also not be any slower. I'll never have another 121 again. Every machine I buy from now on will be a long track. If there's a drawback to them, I haven't found it. Thats my opinion. I'm sure there will be others that differ.
If you dont agressively drive tight trails,than the attak is ok,if you drive tight twisty trails with lots of bumps than get or keep the shorty,i have had both sleds in one year,i started on the 06 attak,but shortly into 06 descovered i could not get it to stop pushing and it ran thru the bigger bumps way worse than the 06 rtx we had in our fleet,and to the na sayers,i put 1200 miles on the attak and about the same on the rtx,before i switched out my 06 136" track and skid with matt,for his shorty skid from his rtx,way better now that it is a shortie,runs thru the bumps better,turns much better,and is way quicker,i kept in the 23 top gear from my attak,and left in my clutching from my attak,and wow what a rush it was after changing out the big track and extra weight,it would be like you running the 100 yard dash with 25 extra lbs on your back,drop it off and run again,no contest,i could now run past our rtx by 10 sled lengths anytime i wanted too,and we ran 117 gps vrs 114 as an attak,its not just the top speed diffance,but the exceleration was just off the charts,do what you want but go try an attak in hard snow conditions and thru the tight stuff,before you make the move.
well i will tell the story like this my attack has not lost to a shorty in topend or in a drag race. now i'm talking on hard pack snow. we just got back from radar running on a strech of closed groomed trail and it was like this. my 07attack 115mph, other 07attack 11mph, f7110mph and apex 107 to 109mph. i have ran against gts,rtx's and regular apexs and the attack win everytime on upper mid and topend
There is a noticable difference in handling. The long track will feel a bit bigger and cannot be thrown around as easily in corners. Put it this way: two REV riders in our group rode my ER and my friends Attack back to back. They both commented they would consider a shorty, but not the long track. Depends on what you want and how you ride. The shortys are "busier" in the straights, but more manuverable in the corners.
mnmsnowbeast I agree 100%. I think both are great trail sleds and which is best depends on what the trails are like where you ride. Have ridden both back to back many times now and for me the shorty is easier to handle all day.
Thanks for all the replies, I am happy with the ride and handling of my shortie, I was thinking of the 136 to help with the sunday afternoon moguls.
power valve said:
well i will tell the story like this my attack has not lost to a shorty in topend or in a drag race. now i'm talking on hard pack snow. we just got back from radar running on a strech of closed groomed trail and it was like this. my 07attack 115mph, other 07attack 11mph, f7110mph and apex 107 to 109mph. i have ran against gts,rtx's and regular apexs and the attack win everytime on upper mid and topend
Yes i agree,that 114-116 is about all the attaks can muster in top speed no matter if you are on snow or glare ice,but even my 03 rx1 could run 117 gps on hard ice/snow,and my and my boys rtx top speeds are 117-118 gps and all the really fast top end speeds are with shorties,i have yet to see one attak that was stock run past 118 gps or radar,but i have seen many apex shorties run into the 120's and even seen one run 127 radar,so if your friends apex is only running 110-111 than he is not one of the faster ones around,now that still not bad top speed but i have seen more shorties go faster past 115 rthan i have attaks,this is just what i have seen first hand,and it sounds like your attak is running very good,but just because you have been able to beat those apexs dosent mean you wont run into alot somewhere else that has more fast shortie than 136 ers.
The difference in the cornering feel will mostly have to do with if and how you stud the track. Completely unstudded, the difference will be negligible (if you can tell any at all). The more nails you put through the track into the ground, and particularly with a longer track, the more force it will take to turn it.
snow beast, what was done to sleds to get those speeds? I will also say I much prefer the 136 for all the reasons knapp spoke of. Also in my opinion the 136 is a necessity on the apex attak cause of the weight. In any powder situation they would be a handful and even with a 136 they are no better than most 15x121x1.25 sleds at getting through snow. I can really see no reason for the short track unless you are in some really twisty trails all the time and I suppose they would be easier to handle in big bumps. I have only ridden an my attak, never an apex.
an apex will take an attak on top end,the apex may be playing catch up,but top end it will prevail..
We have a combination of sleds. The Yamahas are all 136 with 1 1/4 lug, Gsx 550F with 121 1 1/4 lug. Two Polaris sleds with edge chassis and suspensions and 121 .91 or 1 inch track. Only Polaris are studded. The Yamahas are Rage and Attak and stradle moguls better, because the most popular sled here is still 121 and they made the moguls. The GSX handles moguls well because of riding position of chassis. The Polaris are a handfull on corners if I try to ride too aggresive and shorter lugs don't help. I have to push the edge at a higher speed to ride over moguls and not drop into each one. I can throw around the edge, but not the Rage, which is ok. My back feels better on the Rage, but I have to work my arms a little more and use muscles I haven't used in a while. If I hadn't bought the Rage, I was going to buy the 136 track and extension kit from Tracks Usa, for the edge, which I might still do. plowking
128 " track

Has anyone tried the 128"track ?
This might be the best of both worlds.
