I have been watching and reading all the good info you guys have been posting the last year. I really wanted to get a Phazer GT last year 07 model but decided to wait for the first year bugs to get worked out. Well to my question, I can buy a 07 Phazer GT for $6000 OTD, I am not sure what a 08 Phazer GT will snowcheck at I'm guessing around $6800 plus tax, going by what I was told last year plus the 3 year warranty.
After seeing very little change to the 08, besides shocks and the side shields below the seat, the windshield. I see not much more.
So for $1200 difference and 2 years of warranty, what is your advice??
How are the shocks on the 07 Phazer GT??
Thanks in advance for all your help, and reading material over the last year.