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2010 Vector gt or ltx

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I am thinking of buying a 2010 vector gt or ltx. I am unable to decide short or long track. I have always rode a 121" track. I am 5'-11" 200lb and am somewhat an agreesive rider. Trail ride mainly in the Michigan U.P. What differences does one see comparing the short track to the long track sleds. Is there much difference? Will the long track turn as well? What are the pros/cons of the short or long track sleds. Please
Go long young man. Made the switch to a 136" track back in 2006 and I doubt I will ever ride a shorter track again. The longer track bridges the bumps much better, is more stable at high speeds, and provides more traction.
Another vote for the LTX. It gets the power to the ground better, bumps go byebye and to me feels better balanced than my other 4 stroke 121. Wish I could have driven both short and long tracks before buying for a true apples to apples comparison. This sled turns the best out of all my sleds but I have pilots on and of course it's got the newest technology of my current sleds so again not a fair comparison. Either way you are going to have the worlds goofiest grin on your face.
I have a gt and love it. It turns very good in the twisties . That is why i bought the shorty. The ride is very good also.
