2010 Venture GT Suspension Setup

Sep 10, 2021
Reaction score
2010 Yamaha Venture GT
Just thought I would post to help anyone with setup of the suspension on this machine. Bought it from the original owner who never adjusted anything on the suspension and had original ski's & carbides (I had them sharpened prior to first ride). First ride I was white knuckling it at 40kph because it felt so tippy and horrible tracking. Here is what I did to fix it:

1. Set limiter straps to 2nd hole (was in first hole).
2. While lifted set skid shock to have 1/4" free play.
3. Set front shock to have 1.75" sag (2.125" between nuts) [1.75" measured from weight resting on ski to when skis just come off the ground).
4. Rear preload set to "S" on both sides.
5. Clickers set to 6 everywhere.
6. Added Snowtrackers.

Can now run down trails with one hand and can comfortably ride over 120kph. I am 190lbs - not saying this is the perfect setup, but a great place to start if you need a suggestion. Hope it helps save someone time.
Yes, i lifted the sled to take all the weight off the skid shock, then backed off the adjustment nuts on the skid shock so a gap existed on the spring. Wasnt enough room for the top spring holder to come out. For clarity, when resting back down- no slack on skid shock.
Yes, i lifted the sled to take all the weight off the skid shock, then backed off the adjustment nuts on the skid shock so a gap existed on the spring. Wasnt enough room for the top spring holder to come out. For clarity, when resting back down- no slack on skid shock.

Thanks, I always thought that was a "no no" on any shock?
Could be, im not an expert just messing around with settings that seem to work. Any shock experts that can confirm if i should leave 0 gap?
i usually set the front rear suspension shock so that the spring is stiff to turn by hand. brother lost the washer on one as his backed off.
Just thought I would post to help anyone with setup of the suspension on this machine. Bought it from the original owner who never adjusted anything on the suspension and had original ski's & carbides (I had them sharpened prior to first ride). First ride I was white knuckling it at 40kph because it felt so tippy and horrible tracking. Here is what I did to fix it:

1. Set limiter straps to 2nd hole (was in first hole).
2. While lifted set skid shock to have 1/4" free play.
3. Set front shock to have 1.75" sag (2.125" between nuts) [1.75" measured from weight resting on ski to when skis just come off the ground).
4. Rear preload set to "S" on both sides.
5. Clickers set to 6 everywhere.
6. Added Snowtrackers.

Can now run down trails with one hand and can comfortably ride over 120kph. I am 190lbs - not saying this is the perfect setup, but a great place to start if you need a suggestion. Hope it helps save someone time.
gosh I wish I had clickers! The TF has none--and all the same problems. SO what can I do? I have done to get that SAG height down in the front and back? How do you adjust the ski springs--no spanner wrench and how much ? another suggestion with no clicker shocks?
hammer and screw driver work for adjusting the shocks. see post in other thread for how much.
