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2011 EXUP

My suggestion is check it before your first ride as most dealers are clueless as to what is really involved in a proper "PDI" ( PRE DELIVERY INSPECTION).Most dealers just put the skis,battery and plastics on and away you go as they take your $600 for a half #*$&@ pdi.

Anybody with the proper proceedures from Yamaha? I think the seat and tank must be removed to access and check. My PDI was sketchy at best so I sure would like to check it myself. Sure ran strong this weekend, lots of 130-170kph trails in Northern Quebec! :Rockon:
My dealer called Yamaha and they told him the exup will throw a code if out of adjustment.
I don't believe him.
Not good !!

My dealer said ,Quote" they ( the dealer) and Yamaha apparently, have no idea how to test for a signal to the servo motor and no stock on the part itself ,, so my NEW sled is down . :o| :o|

He checked his demo XTX ( servo donor for my sled ) Same result , it did not cycle when he went through the Yamaha test procedure. They said Yamaha will contact them when they have a solution and or stock on the servo motors . WTF ?? :D

I'll get it back in my own garage tonight and get to the bottom of this myself. A mutimeter and a copy of the R1 electrical service manual should reveal the problem. I'll search the Tech section on the bikes on here :rocks: . Unless anyone seeing this has the pinout for the servo motor connector ? I have to assume the bike has the same setup .

Related or non related issue ? : The tech was not able to clear the OIL reminder counter/flashing frsom the cluster. I have logged over 100km's with this flashing at me. Once again , i'll attempt to clear this up myself as well . 2 blown fuses for the Heated visor . I think this was my fault , the cable may have hit the running board after falling out of the helmet . Not sure that is what caused it but it sounds right lol.

Fun stuff ,, I love riding this sled ( 1st 4Stoke) but it's beginning to be a love/hate relationship. :exc:
I adjusted my EXUP using the procedure given me by sx7001. Not too hard; just have to remove the seat and gas tank.

I took everything off and started checking the servo motor . When I would turn the key nothing would activate on the motor. I took off the connector and found 5v on the red/black so I knew I had power. I checked the exup itself and forced it open so that it was way out of spec. It felt stuck dispite having slack in the cables. I turned the key and it attempted to center the valve. ( Way off) Once it moved I had to wonder what changed ,,, loose connector ? Stuck valve ?. The cables were so slack that the valve only moved half of what it does after adjustment. That may have been enough to throw off the test ? I adjusted to 1.5mm of slack in each cable which was a huge change from where it was. I also added some anti seize to the exup cover bolts ,,,, they were rusted and very hard to break free . No way was this checked at the 1st service. It's ok though ,, now it's no big deal to adjust . ;)!

I also read the manual for 2mins and cleared my OIL change reminder and set the clock . I guess that old saying applies ,,,, if you want it done right ....... well you know how it goes lol

In all fairness ,, I really like the new owners of the dealership. I think they felt worse than I did about this issue .

Lake test tomorrow :Rockon:

The EXUP will not activate when turning the key on unless it isn't in the neutral position. Use the actuation tables to power the EXUP motor for adjustment and operation checking.
How to adjust EXUP is in service manuals supplement for APEX -11!
Where can I get it in PDF?
Ero is right ,, when you turn the key the exup will not activate if it's in neutral position.

I would like to see that supplement as well . It's an easy process but i'm curious to see what the acceptable specs are according to Yamaha. I'll ask the dealer for it later today . 5 mins with a scanner and were golden :pics:

I now have 997km's on my odo,, the last 30 was by far the most rewarding . My GAwwdd it's a totally different sled today ,,, I saw 10600rpm in 8" of fresh snow on a short pond, the power is smooth, urgent and consistant now all the way up vs a noticable fade past 7k . It's nice to finally tap into that power :jump:
