2013 sled preview


read chris's blog,the future looks promising[/quote]

I read it and :o| well the future is NOW...we have been waiting and waiting ...every year its the same stuff! ugh oh well... just frustrating...we hear the same thing every year..."next year maybe" " there is a plan" "the future looks promising" well ya it looks promising...cant get any worse!! Id almost be happier if they quit making sleds at this point...then at least I wouldnt have to bang my head against the wall in frustration at a company I have grown up with....

maybe I will be surprised at noon but if that sad sad early release is any indication Im not holding my breath..
Just talked with my dealer and they did not know, or at least they claimed they did not know that the release is today. The also did not know anything about the 2013 line up. Boy, this is going to be really exciting!!!! NOT!!! Come on Yamaha, we need something, just something from you.
Same Quotes I see from people, "Nothing new from Yamaha....", "I'm buying a (insert Polaris, Doo, or AC next year)", etc.

I agree, some new innovations would nice be coming down the pipeline. But Yamaha is a cautious company. Recall the uproar over the big move to all 4 strokes 11 years ago! But I'm satisfied that I own the best built, most dependable sled on the market. That is why I bought it.

That reminder to me couldn't have been made more clear when last weekend, the group I was with included a Cat that died #$%&* , and a Doo and a Cat that had other problems #$%&* . We ended up towing the dead Cat (a former Yammie owner) out with one of the Yammies. ;)!
Yeah I'm happy I own a Yamaha too and since refining some problems with my original '05 I haven't had the need to purchase a new one because I am still happy with the one I got!!!
Glad i didnt hold my breath...what a joke.......hmmm..at least I still have my R6!! :) oh and my wave blaster!!
I really wonder how close Yami is to pulling out of the sled market. At what point does the low volume create an unfavorable profit situation?

Seems that next year will be a slow sales year for Yammi regardless of SNOW, but I do like the spring by Turbo at $1500 - that will keep people on Yammies, but I don't think it will get anyone off their current brand.
Why would they take the reservoir shock off of the Nytro and add one on the Phazer. I rode the 2011 Apex this year and the shocks suck compared to my Nytro. Real disappointment.
benjamingvsu said:
I really wonder how close Yami is to pulling out of the sled market. At what point does the low volume create an unfavorable profit situation?

Seems that next year will be a slow sales year for Yammi regardless of SNOW, but I do like the spring by Turbo at $1500 - that will keep people on Yammies, but I don't think it will get anyone off their current brand.

I also think that Yamaha is exiting the sled market. They are exhibiting every sign of this. They haven't put any of their own R&D efforts into snowmobiling in years and years. They are just taking technology developed for other markets and shoehorning it into sleds. This is not to say that these technologies aren't good...just that they are borrowed which demonstrates the least amount of investment...and combine that with the fact that Yamaha has the higest prices in the market...this is not good. Power Steering - came from wheelers. EXUP exhaust - came from motorcyles. Apex engine - came from motorcycles. Even what they are touting as "new" this year with a 1.75 track on a Nytro....is just simply a 1.75 track that someone else makes that they are touting as new. Yamaha has limped along in this market by borrowing technology from other places and putting no direct R&D and innovation into sleds. This, my friends, is the signature actions of a company trying to soak the last bit of profit out of loyal customers before calling it quits.

In some ways, I don't blame them. The tree huggers have successfully passed legislation for emissions on snowmobiles that is responsible for pushing the price of sleds into a range that is killing the sport. Everyone bitches about no snow and short winters but they are the same as they always have been...some good winters, some bad winters. The problem is that when someone has to push out $15k per snowmobile it really doesn't become a hobby that they can do for a few hours on Saturday and feel satisfied. You have to make it your life during the 3 months of winter to justify to yourself and your family the $15k you just blew on something you love. You can pay for 2 years of college for you kids for the price of a Yamaha Apex.

However, given that Yamaha has really investing nothing in new sled technology and borrowed everything new from their other divisions...why is it that they are leading the pricing game up into the $15k range for sleds???? Because they are soaking their customers as they slam the door on them.

I'm truly saddened by Yamaha's efforts here. I grew up on Yamaha....this is pathetic.
Yamaha isn't leaving the sled market, too many of there ATV, Boat motor, PWC, Motorcycle owners have/want Yamaha sleds. What exactly is REALLY new from other manufactures in the past 5 years. The Doo XP is aging an has been just receiving tweaks year to year. Cat has a new issue prone chassis. Polaris has the new Pro RMK with custom shop sticker price. Rush is ok, still haven't seen many on the trails. I think we are back to the 1980's again, when chassis lasted ALONG time due to a crappy economy and hit or miss snow. The Original indy went 20 years with only minor changes, Phazer went 15, and the long travel revolution is over as there isn't much more to do with suspension. The late 90's through now brought us TONS of new sled tech and spoiled us every year, not much to do now but tweak.
Let me reiterate quality. Yamaha has got it with a very dependable line of sleds.

There was a big fundraising run yesterday in NW Minnesota. 150+ miles. Well over 100 sleds. There were over 20 Yamaha's in the group. I counted 5 Dead, dying, and down Cats, at least 2 Polaris's, and 2 Doo's along with one wrecked Cat and a ambulance trip (He's ok). My Nytro supplied the tow rope to a Cat owner. I wasn't going to tow that piece of crap. :4STroke:
I've always found it odd that Yamaha has such a big following in Northern Minnesota, Home of Cat and Poo. I always scratch my head when I hear people say they don't see many Yamahas on the trail, when I see so many. This year I've seen more Apex on the trail than ANY other sled. One thing I haven't seen, a SINGLE 1st gen Firecat OR 1st gen Rev, where did they all go? Still see a fair share of old Indy and Pogo/trailing arm Yamahas but older Cats and Doos are gone when I use to see a ton of them.
