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35,196kms or 21998 miles on the 1049 tripplre FX Nytro


Mar 8, 2016
Reaction score
2008 Yamaha Nytro Rtx se

just after she blew .. just about to tow it to the road

I am new on here but thought I would share this with you as I check this site out for info a lot .. heres some

crankshaft was stiff as a rock starter didn't do nothing ,figured the timing chain blew or a connecting rod slipped ,could be the crankshaft snapped ... a friend said same thing happened to him on a turbo nytro , the water pump shaft broke and seized the crank
it is fixable but for 700-1000 bucks for a complete motor rebuild , that's doing it my self ..and having a shop do some machining..


not sure yet what caused it but it's internal and to me its blown and cheaper to buy another sled

at 30,000kms

friday march 4 2016 . last 220km on the Nytro

almost just After it rolled over to 35,000kms that morning

Im a little choked that I didn't make it to 40,000kms as planned
these are hard miles I beat it like I stole every ride

My sled last year .. pictured with the extra gas cans I bought to ride the L103 .. they were for my friend with a apex . my sled did 220 kms on a single tank with the trail tank ... the extra gas is overkill for me ,,, its nice if you were running late and the next stop was closing before you arrive at least you can get a lot further
I can say I got my moneys worth at 35,197kms or 21,998 miles R.I.P NYTRO LOL
I love this sled and the motor ...ill just try and put 40,000 on another

Thanks to all the volunteers that help me put on these fantastic amount of mileage on these awesome groomed Eastern Manitoba / Northwestern Ontario trails in CANADA

Sorry to hear. Amazed at the mileage you were able to achieve. I'm at 8500 miles, and debating when I should sell, but now I see it's only approaching midlife!
I'm just shy of 13,000 miles- sorry to hear. What are thinking about getting now?
Thats pretty good mileage. Gotta love yamaha

Part that thing out, should be able to get at least 4k out of it. Pretty much what its worth whole and running.
Nick Keller is the guy that runs Snowballcancer.org. He rides every year from 12/26 to 2/28 to raise money to help cancer patients and has put on over 21,000 in many consecutive years. The motor in his 2010 Vector that he retired last year made it 80,196 miles before the timing chain stretched too far and jumped off the timing gears. He did regular maintenance to the motor and chassis every 3,000 miles. The Vector motor is the same as the Nytro motor except for the stator. So even at your 40,000 km (24,850 miles) goal you would have been about 3/8 of the way into the life of the motor.
I think the cam is different in the Nytro than the Vector! More agressive! I would think you would get more miles out of it than that though...?:dunno:
Interesting!! I've been wondering how many miles he was able to put on that Vector engine and what happened to it. Would be neat to know what kind of parts it needed along the way. 80k miles is amazing and proof of Yamaha quality! Funny to actually be saying this but the original OP's 35 000 kms on his Nytro engine is far less than id expect. :yam:
Congrats Nytro_204, only you know how hard you were on her and you seem satisfied. I love that your first post was an obituary. Nice that the old girl got you to the end of the season and you can spend the whole summer dreaming and scheming.
That's allot of riding allright. I too thought it would last much longer though as well. Oh well now you get the fun of making a new sled all your own all over again.
Well at least you don't have to worry about having the valve clearance checked now!! (every 25,000 miles)

I'm curious to know if you replaced the clutches or what other maintence was done over the years.
Mine is rolling over 15,000km soon, and I'll I've done is regular fluid changes.
I'm curious to know if you replaced the clutches or what other maintence was done over the years.
Mine is rolling over 15,000km soon, and I'll I've done is regular fluid changes.
I'm right around the same KM. just noticed my slides on my secondary are worn and need to be replaced. I'm going to do my primary rollers this summer
Interesting!! I've been wondering how many miles he was able to put on that Vector engine and what happened to it. Would be neat to know what kind of parts it needed along the way. 80k miles is amazing and proof of Yamaha quality! Funny to actually be saying this but the original OP's 35 000 kms on his Nytro engine is far less than id expect. :yam:
Go to www.snowballcancer.org and look for service/maintenance records. He logged everything he did to "Mary Jane" (not what you are thinking, he named the sled after his mother who died from breast cancer) throughout the total 99,956 miles he put on her.
