Aberfoyle power Sports in Ontario carries the full line of J&T Products rear wheel kits


Nov 7, 2013
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Aberfoyle Power Sports in Ontario Canada is a distributor for J&T Products Wheel kits!! J&T is the number one seller by far of premium heavy duty wheel kits! Aberfoyle has all the wheel kits for all the Cats all the way back to the Firecat days in STOCK right now!. Also has all the wheel kits for the Yamaha Vipers and Sidewinders!!
Aberfoyle also carries the DMC TOP GEAR FIX and the Brass fork pads for the Sidewinders that is a permanent fix that has been proven by 1000"s of customers so far with no issues. They are also in stock!!
Aberfoyle Power Sports 1 519-763-1401
What size idler wheels do u have ?
I just put my 4 wheel kit on my Sidewinder last week and it is beautiful. I especially like that it come with new adjuster spacers that fit over the axle so don't have to reuse the old flimsy arctic cat ones. Definitely a nice upgrade.
Be nice if you could get some bigger ones. Like 147 mm
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Ok, we will continue to use our current supplier
Sorry 147mm or 5.78
I went to thier website because I'm in the market for a set of idlers, I cannot find anything on there in regards to the j&t wheels
I went to thier website because I'm in the market for a set of idlers, I cannot find anything on there in regards to the j&t wheels
Yup there web site is to no help you need to call them.
Great wheels , have the 4th wheel kit and all idlers on my 2021 t cat, fit perfectly
