Any Interest in Black Avdel Stavex Multi-Grip Rivets


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2011
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Middleville, MI
2025 Sidewinder LTX LE EPS
2017 Sidewinder LTX SE
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2012 RS Vector LTX
Middleville, MI
Would anyone be interested in 3/16" black Avdel Stavex Multi-Grip rivets? These would be the same rivets that Yamaha used for years on the Japan-built sleds and that have been recommended for replacements on the SR Viper & Sidewinder. The main difference is that these are black (very hard to find). I have a distributor giving me a quote but I may have to buy 2500 of them. I don't need anywhere near that many so I am wondering if any others would want some.

They are this type of rivet... but black. The part number is 0BS01-00618-37.
0BS01-00618-37, Avdel, Stavex Rivets, Diameter: 0.187 Inch, Grip Range: 0.059-0.354 Inch, Dome Head, Body Material: Steel, Body Finish: Black Zinc, Mandrel Material: Steel, Mandrel Finish: Black Zinc
You can order direct from applifast in Canada. The site makes it look like you need a commercial account but it was not necessary and they ship fast. I posted the contact details somewhere on this site.
Would anyone be interested in 3/16" black Avdel Stavex Multi-Grip rivets? These would be the same rivets that Yamaha used for years on the Japan-built sleds and that have been recommended for replacements on the SR Viper & Sidewinder. The main difference is that these are black (very hard to find). I have a distributor giving me a quote but I may have to buy 2500 of them. I don't need anywhere near that many so I am wondering if any others would want some.

They are this type of rivet... but black. The part number is 0BS01-00618-37.
0BS01-00618-37, Avdel, Stavex Rivets, Diameter: 0.187 Inch, Grip Range: 0.059-0.354 Inch, Dome Head, Body Material: Steel, Body Finish: Black Zinc, Mandrel Material: Steel, Mandrel Finish: Black Zinc
View attachment 178423
Where would these work on the chassis? I know there are many different lengths depending where on the tunnel, bulkhead etc.
Where would these work on the chassis? I know there are many different lengths depending where on the tunnel, bulkhead etc.
I started looking for black ones to replace the rivets holding the front/rear sections of tunnel together on my 17. I've had to replace 1 that was loose so far and had to hand.paint it black. These rivets have a grip range of .059"-.354". They may not be long enough for the cast brackets that the 2 tubes running down over the gas tank connect to. They make longer one but it just wouldn't make sense to buy a large quantity of black long ones. The part # for the longer zinc-plated steel rivets is 0BS01-00622. Those have a grip range of 0.25"-0.5"
You can order direct from applifast in Canada. The site makes it look like you need a commercial account but it was not necessary and they ship fast. I posted the contact details somewhere on this site.
I searched the Applifast website for the 0BS01-00618-37 part number for the black rivets as well as without the "-37" which would be the standard silver zinc-plated rivets. Their website doesn't show either. I have no problem finding the standard zinc-coated version. The black ones are the ones that are hard to find. If I ever get my quote and order some, they would likely be shipped from Europe it sounds like.
I bought 600 from Applifast two years ago.
But ya, they have never had the black.
I'd be in for around 500
