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Anybody with chaincase problems???

Beerman said:
915 miles on mine before this weekend's trip, checked everything before the trip, oil level was fine, no sign of leakage. 340 miles into our trip on a long straight run (which I've done before) kablammo. Seal leaked/blew, all the oil came out and that's the end of that. Gonna take it up to the dealer next weekend before my warranty expires and insist they put on the updated 07 cover and seal.

Couldn't have anything to do with the 20 lbs of NOS that you went through? :-o
:nos :nos :nos

I hear ya on being nervous. I've read so many post about the chaincase grenading, I'm paranoid as well. I did the dipstick venting and use amsoil synthetic chaincase oil. I really haven't ridden for long stretches, so it really hasn't been tested. Keep an eye on it.
stoutner said:
Beerman said:
915 miles on mine before this weekend's trip, checked everything before the trip, oil level was fine, no sign of leakage. 340 miles into our trip on a long straight run (which I've done before) kablammo. Seal leaked/blew, all the oil came out and that's the end of that. Gonna take it up to the dealer next weekend before my warranty expires and insist they put on the updated 07 cover and seal.

Couldn't have anything to do with the 20 lbs of NOS that you went through? :-o
:nos :nos :nos
If it had happened while using the spray I would think maybe, but I've only gone through 9 lbs at 30 HP and hadn't used it at all the weekend it happened.
a friend was full thottle across a lake ,and he had to jam the brakes HARD! well after a full throttle blast instantly after that ,we heard a huge steele on steele crunch ,dont kno why but he munched the chain, case and a gear,dealer couldnt really say why it did it ,and it had full oil, so that sequence isnt advisable,seen it first hand yuc!
but other than a few times getting little moans from the chain case putting it in reverse(all 3 friends apexes do it)(just alighning gears up i suspect,none of my freinds or me had problems
has anyone else noticed that if you stop by a full brake ,its harder to put in reverse(grind),rather than coasting to a stop with no brake? seems easyer to pull reverse...
I have had the gear crunch in reverse. Embarassing when it happens, but yes. I have noticed that you have to have the chaincase in a "relaxed" state.
I did adjust the chain tension, but didn't get much out of it. The gear oil smelled a little burnt, so I will probably change that as soon as I do a gear change.
Should I do the 23T & the 40T? What is the factory gears in my sled? ('06 GT)
I don't want to loose too much top end, but if the combo will really help midrange and low end, I'll do it.
Same thing happened to me yesterday! Hard brake from approx 50 to 60 MPH. Sliding to stop. (fluff trail base not ice) Upon acceleration. I could hear what sounded like a gear grind from chaincase. I had my riding partner lift the rear end while I lightly hit the throttle still had the noise. I checked the track for ice, all appeared to be ok underneath. I checked the chain tension. It appearred to be loose? I readjusted the chain and went through some forward - reverse shifts and the noise was gone and all appeared normal.
Oil level is ok, sled now has approx 1200 miles, chaincase was serviced at 300 miles. Drove the sled back to the truck 100 miles away and no issues after that. I will now drain that chaincase oil. I want to check for metal shavings. Sure wish the Yamaha dip stick was magnetized.
hey guys...

remember,when you BRAKE hard,the chains tension is now on the front side of case...while under normal ACCELERATION the chains tension is on backside of case...

what this means is the CHAIN TENSIONER is taking a huge amount of pressure upon braking....and Ive heard several times where the tensioner POST breaks off....the post may be vulnerable to cracking.

So try to be careful with heavy braking loads....Im sure this is what happend to the one guy who munched his chain ect after braking....seen it before,tensioner POST breaks and all is trashed within case..not pretty.

Still havent been able to ride yet, but I am planning a day trip to Madison, and hope to not have any problems. I also lowered the front end, tightened the strap 1 hole, and adjusted my transfer rod to one mark towards max from center. We'll see....
I didn't get much adjustment from my chaincase in when I tightned it, so I hope I'm just hearing things. I might do a gear change at the end of the season, but with the Nytro coming, my wife might get my GT so I can really mash the moguls!
My buds 07 Attak just blew the chaincase at 1700 miles last weekend!

It was dry as a bone too!


I was wondering when the first 07 chaincase failure would be posted on here...

My 07 RTX was leaking chaincase oil too (I caught it before any failure occurred). It turns out that it did not have the updated chaincase cover but instead had the 06 cover.

I wonder if mine was a very early build or if all 07's came with the 06 cover.
wow...interesting,...an 07 with the older style 06 cover.....maybe yammie decided to use up old stock and take each case by case basis...since the actual failure rate is very very low.

I have the new updated cover on my 06 now...intalled it last fall...very happy i got it.

once again,everyone check those levels every ride,and check underneath for seepage dailey.


you should adjust your reverse linkage very easy to do it takes very
little adjustment to correct.
I have a feeling the problems with failure are attributed to Yamaha's horrible engineering decision for the reverse system.

My Doo was much. more simple as far as the chaincase goes, and when I trued my Apex drivers, and took the cover off of the chaincase, I was appalled at the conglomeration of crap in there!!

I believe with all of those extra pieces, the whole case runs hotter, then burns the seal out and lubrication is lost.

:4STroke: I also understand the breakage when the brakes are applied hard. Because there is so much slop in the HEAVY gears Yammy uses, the chain/gears can't take the stress from throttle to full brake and they lunch.

This is unacceptable for a machine that is otherwise engineered very well.

My friend had his case cover off of his Mach Z, and there isn't even a chain tensioner in the thing!!

There is no doubt in my mind that the Mach's drivetrain is far more efficient than our Yammies and explains why (among other reasons)a well tuned Mach will dust our behinds.

I guess I can take one negative to owning a baddass Apex..................
Hey Nate. Read quickly thru the posts. Not sure if you said your problem happened after braking hard. I noticed that after braking to a complete stop the clutch does not get a chance to take the belt back up to the top and when trying to start out again you hear the belt slipping. It sounds really bad at first. Now I make sure that if I do lock up the track coming to a stop I release the brake and let it roll a couple of feet before getting on the gas again. I took the time to test it by braking hard to a complete stop with the side cover off and the belt was down in the clutch. Hard taking off again with the belt down in the secondary. I lifted the back end and spun the track. Much easier.
I did just finish running down an icy gravel road at about 100 mph, hit the brakes hard, rolled down into the ditch, around the corner onto the trail and then when I hit the gas, I was up on the shoulder of the road (2lane highway w/gravel shoulder) when I hit the gas, thats when I heard the noise. I haven't heard it since.
I also just replaced my belt today, and scotch brited my clutches, so we'll see if anything helps. I need to check track tension before our trip to Madison this Saturday! (hint, hint...anybody want to join us?) If they don't have enough snow from this latest storm moving through, we'll probably head up to Eagle River if their conditions are any good.
