Anyone else waiting for the call?

Was at dealer last Friday (Winnipeg MB) They have a Orange BTX on showroom floor. They said mine (ltx 137 red white) be in this week or next for sure. They know more Monday 17 th
So I'm camped outside the store now lol
Told me there starting with the long track orders first since guy up north are riding already cause of huge dump of snow last week. Makes cents to me.
I can wait till December otherwise I'll be firing it up In garage ever night and reving it lol not good for a sled
Just got the CALL! Can't even contain myself!

Red/white LTX-LE in southern WI.
Just got the CALL! Can't even contain myself!

Red/white LTX-LE in southern WI.
That's awesome news Bud! It looks like some of the Red/white LTX-LE's are starting to trickle into the midwest dealers ;)!

My dealer is in the western UP of Michigan so hopefully it won't be much longer before they make it up to that area.
Guess what....the phone rang today! Ironically, I had already made the decision this morning that I would make a trip to the dealer to check in, look at the accessory catalog, and see what they had already gotten in. Couldn't believe it when I saw the caller ID an hour later! Turns out that there was a bonus too. Met another TY member while there. Super nice and informative. Thanks Cannondale!
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Mines in too in a crate ltx le !!!
Going down tmrw with check in hand
Then going to order accessories!
Going to wait till they come in so they can slap everything on. Ya lol
Winnipeg Mb
Anyone in New York get theirs yet?
mines here #322 ltx le blue picking it up friday just looked ar it no goggle bag dual 4' carbide runners ,1 set outside wheels 2 sets of inner wheels .
Got the call this morning, it's in and waiting for the pdi. Going to be a long week! Now I can start praying to the snow gods! Lol
