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Apex engine mounts


Lifetime Member
Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
Cartersville, GA.
None, looking now!
...about to pull an apex engine. ( Needs a good cleaning, Head shim, etc. ) How many bolts are there holding in the engine? Think I found 3. This is the first time pulling one of these. I have a delta wrap off, fuel rail off so it can come strait up and out of the chassis. Everything is disconnected, drained. Thinking I am ready to pull some bolts now and lift her out of there.

About how heavy is the thing? Did a search both here and in my shop manual but couldn't find much.

Is the rear mount bolt span the width of the sled?

What's this special tool for the front mounts? Do I really need that?

Any help would be great,

The engine is easy to remove with the 3 bolts your talking about, there is a tool for the mounts that you really don't need if your not adjusting them before hand. I re and re'd my last season for the same reason. This link may help you http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles ... alignm.htm

The tool is easy to make, use a 13 mm deep socket and grind it so there are 2 tabs, 1 on each side of the socket to grab the threaded adjuster's. Use a flashlight to look inside where the bolt goes and you'll see what I'm talking about.

The motor isn't too heavy but you may need a friend if your going to lift it out by hand, I used a hoist but then carried it downstairs and out to my truck to take it to power wash it before I repainted it.
A little additional information in case your interested.

When you reinstall the motor the oil system will be dry, and even if you fill the oil tank a week before you start the motor the pump will still be dry ( I experienced this ). The motor will shut off if there is no oil pressure.

I was told after the fact that I should of tipped the machine on the clutch side as it would get the air out of the system as I was starting it, I don’t know for sure if it’s true but the guy who told me works for Yamaha. Research the hell out of it you don’t want to toast a motor, I got lucky.

I figured since the motor was out and that the rad hose the one on the back of the motor ( you’ll see it ) was so hard to get at, I replace it while it was all apart, I changed the thermostat as well, why not.

You may also want to get yourself a clutch alignment tool, I have checked a few and the center to center is always off, check it before and after just out of curiosity, it‘s easy to adjust.

When I reinstall the wiring I put die electrode grease on all wire connections as well.


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