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Apex fuel mileage


Lifetime Member
Apr 14, 2003
Wetmore, MI
'17 Sidewinder B-TX LE
What's the worst fuel mileage you guys with Apexes have gotten? I ask because my son-in-law claims to have run completely out on his new-to-him 06 Apex RTX at 117 mi. I called BS on him and contend he never topped the tank completely. Parked with sled facing downhill while filling and never squeezed "extra" in, so I contend he started out at 8 or 8 1/2 gal. Opinions?

All I know is after going 71 miles yesterday with a Nytro with an Aaen pipe (LukeSJU from this site) and a 550 fan MXZ (his g/f), I used 6.1 gallons, the MXZ used 4.4 gallons, and the Nytro used like 5.1 gallons. Now granted I was on the throttle much more than them. The Attak gets thirsty out on the trail! So I guess I'd have been lucky to have gotten that far. And I strted out plumb full with all the extra fuel in there i could possibly get.
I call B.S. unless he was in deep snow. I get great MPG's on my '06 RTX. I'd say I average 15mpg with mixed throttle riding on trails. I have run with lots of older 2 stroke sleds and always use less than them....even a '90 Polaris Indy 500 and used less gas than it...we filled up an he used 4.2 gallons and I used 2.4 gallons. We were riding together.
Wisconsin said:
I call B.S. unless he was in deep snow.

Nope! 100% trail. I was at home with wife & grandkids so he wouldn't venture off-trail by himself. He rides hard.......but not THAT hard.......

He just conceded a little while ago that maybe he has some other problem ..... gas pickup etc. He put 3 1/2 gal. in to get home from when it was supposedly "empty"........had to ride an additional 20 or so mi. to get home.....and was only able to get 5.4 gal. in it this morning, filled right to the brim.

SO there!!
When my 07 RTX was new I consistently got 15-16 MPG. At 13,000 Miles I would get around 12 MPG riding hard, 13-14 MPG taking it easy. I used to always be within a half gallon of my buddies Rev 550X.
It depends on the conditions, and how much throttle, how often, but 13-15 most of the time, trail riding.
I just got home last night from a 2.5 day MI UP ride. 440 miles and my buddy's Nitro (stock) was always at least .5 gallon better than my Attak riding aggressive trails and FAST strait aways. I think I only got 11.5 or 12 mpg at the best.

She used to do better than that, I'm creaping up on 5,000 miles...
I believe these tanks have a large amount of unusable fuel. The range on a 2008 with the small tank is only 80 miles, but the mileage is good.
