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apex really 150hp?


VIP Member
Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
Rice Lake, WI
hauck power sports just got done dynoing there new apex. 147-148 hp and tested 3 different times. but they didnt touch anything on the sled. 2-3hp off is pretty decent. with a little bit of work and tweeks u can get to 150 really quick. anybody else have any info on the apex dynoing real #'s?
I'd like to also believe once the engine is broken in the power will increase.

DEI build a ZZ 430 motor. 430 cubes, 430 made, and 430 HP. Once it got broke in, there was more HP.
With some adjustable cam sprockets and broken in properly should have 150hp no problem.With the pressed on cam sprokets from the factory the cam timing is close to optimal but not dead on,thats where the adjustable cam sprokets come into play,that a degree wheel top dead center gauge a manual and your're set.
and also remenber...they call it a 150 hp CLASS sled
it'll be no trouble for that motor to push 150 after 500 miles
I have heard rumors (outside of TY) a high perf company getting 152-153! :shock: But I took it as a grain of salt because its hearsay.
That's bull about making more hp once you get more miles on it.Try it on a dyno.
pro116 said:
That's bull about making more hp once you get more miles on it.Try it on a dyno.


Not that I'm arguing with you but, could you ( or maybe Jeff and Freddie)explain whay a motor won't gain HP after 500 miles or more once the rings are seated and the engine frees up a bit after being broke in? I would assume that some gain would be made due to less internal friction (just like running extros and a looser track will free up some HP). I don't know jack about dynos and was just wondering why an engine wouldn't show more HP on the dyno after it is broke in.

I say Jeff or Freddie because these guys post alot on here and both do alot of dyno runs while testing/improving their products.

Thanks, Jim
You can gain 2hp for under 20.00 and it takes about 2 minutes. A simple spark plug change is all it takes...proven on the dyno. My personal thoughts on the 4-stroke break-in is different then most. I feel you truely only have the first 20-25 miles to break in a new 4-stroke, after that the "window" of time is gone. I dont think you gain any hp, but you sure can loose hp if you glaze the rings on break in. just my .02 ===SRXSRULE===

How do you break in a 4 stroke motor? Do you do it like MotoMan ,I think that it is his nickname,or different.

sxmatt..... Check out that link Turk posted. Thats exactly how I break in my motors. Lots of good info there. ===SRXSRULE===
sxmatt..... Check out that link Turk posted. Thats exactly how I break in my motors. Lots of good info there. ===SRXSRULE===

Have you broken your sleds in on the trail or the dyno? When do you perform the first oil change?

I'd like to dyno mine and change the oil, but I know that won't happen. Riding 20 miles on the trail, bringing it back to the hotel/cottage to change oil doesn't sound like fun either.
The chasis is what breaks ins that's where you feel the added power.The engine dosen't gain any hp on the dyno.
It's gonna be hard looking at my new GT waiting for snow while resisting the urge to listen to it run once in a while. Maybe I should just burn up 20 miles on the grass. Will it be any easier to change the oil on the Apex than the Rx-1. If Yamaha's break in method is just 15 mins of idling why don't the dealers do it themselves then change the oil?
