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artic cat skid

I wish I could give you exact numbers, but I can't...I should have weighed both skids before installing the Cat skid. I can say that while muscleing both skids around, the Cat skid felt a little lighter. And more important, (to me...not a racer) is that the whole sled has a lighter feel once its installed.

Sorry, not very scientific.

I read some were that the proaction skid was the heaviest in the industry
The Cat skid will save approx.12-15 lbs. depinding on the shocks.
I have a firecat skid and will weigh it tomorrow and let you know what it weighs.
cat skid

12# savings,also changed the front shocks to zr gas shocks with clickers.The new softer ride is great,did not have to go to a softer seat.
still have cat skid for sale

I still have cat skid,w/fox clicker shox,all set up and ready to go into 03/04 rx1 $400.00 call pete at 207-247-6776
I weighed the Firecat skid, I have, today and it weighs 50 lbs. I don't have my RX skid here so I don't know it's weight.
I weighed the 121" stock skid today and it weighs 67 pounds. That is 17 more than the Cat skid replacing it. :Rockon:
Yes I am. I have talked to Kip Campbell & Jon Zimetz. They have both done it and had good success with it. I have one sitting in the garage waiting to be installed.
Anybody know if it is possible to get a 136" Cat skid, or extend a 121"? I am thinking of switching to one but I am already at 136".
