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BAD NEWS if coming to Maine


Feb 26, 2007
Windsor, Maine
Just wanted to pass this on in case any fellow TYers had plans to come to Maine and ride in the near future. The recent warm temps 50s and rain has trails down to dirt in many places. Had plans to ride and stay in the Greenville area with my son this weekend and my buddy who owns the Indian Hill Hotel in Greenville called to let me know it would be a wasted trip. Grass showing in many areas and trails down to dirt in many areas. There still maybe some riding way out and in the higher elevations but your gonna have a hard time getting there. It'd be best to wait for a few half decent storms or better yet a huge Noreaster to get things back to good riding. Ride Safe but Ride like Hell :o| :o| :o|

Thanks Mark,
We were on our way Feb 5th to West Forks area. Jackman received 5 inches and they call for snow Sun-Mon. We will wait and see what that may bring. They said at the resort that thay have a 8inch base (West Forks). It doesn't look good though.
Just be careful with what some of the area resorts will tell you in that area and up near Jackman. Check reports on mesnow and I'll try and update when and how much snow we get. The snow planned for Sunday now is calling for a dusting to a inch and no mention of snow Tuesday like previously reported. That area does get snow squalls which sometimes amounts to 6 inches or more but I'd do some calling around first. As of right now I honestly wouldn't head this way with the drive you have. I use to travel from Ft. Drum to home for several years while I was stationed there. Long ways for no snow.
One of my friends co-workers knows someone that is at the resort now. He is going to give his report sometime today. Im leaning towards a no myself. Heck I'm all for another ride to the UP Michigan as they have plenty. Keep me posted if you would please.
I just spent last weekend (Jan 25-28) in Greenville. The trail from Greenville to Kokadjo was horrible. We left our trailers at Kokadjo & travelled to Millinocket, Pittston Farm & Rockwood (put on 400 miles). I will say those trails we decent considering lack of snow amounts but we knew if this area got 40's-50's & rain it would all turn to dirt as Mark stated. I too would be cautious about what the resorts tell you. Friends cancelled their Greenville trip this weekend. Hopefully we get some snow!!
Yes the word is horrible from the friend who is at the resort now. Appearently, he damaged the sled as well. So off to the UP on those dates. Just a we bit further drive.
Wish I myself could make it to the UP but that is really out of the question for me. I love to snowmobile but not that much that I couldn't afford to ride the rest of the year around my home. Now summer time I love to jump on my Road King or my Wide Glide and just go wherever the road takes me. One day I will have the time to ride out to Sturgis all alone if needed thats definately on my bucket list. I do wish here in Maine got the lake effect that I grew accustomed too when at Ft. Drum. Can remember days out in the training areas when we got FEET over night now that was how it should snow for all of us TYers.
Keep your fingers crossed for Friday the 8th. Maybe just maybe this storm will produce some good snow.
As things get closer Fridays storm looks to be exactly what we need to get back to some good riding. Lets hope we get the mother load and the predictions for next week turn into storms as well. Will update this weekend as I get reports from friends in the Greenville/The Forks area
I'll be at my lodge just south of Millinocket this weekend. I'll try to remember to post what I find for conditions.
weather channel is saying up to 2 ft dump for most of Maine and Parts of Mass, NH. I think you guys will be fine ! Drive safe and enjoy! Please save some for me next month!
Music to my ears Bluebullet. Hopefully they're 100% right, these snow amounts are much needed by us & resorts that rely on the snowmobile world. Win, win situation hopefully!
Just got back from riding over 400 miles in Millinocket from Sunday to yesterday. They have a great base. This snow will only make it better!
its worth the drive if you can the UP of Michigan I know Grand Marais has a 2ft base with 3-5ft on the ground and that was when I left last Saturday. They have had snow 6-10" a day since then
It is crazy snow in the UP this year for a change
