New to me 2012 Nytro xtx


Sep 16, 2019
Reaction score
Houghton Lake
12' FX Nytro XTX 1.75
01' SXR Redhead Triple
Good Day Everyone,

Last week I finally took the plunge after riding ProAction sleds my hole life to a 2012 Nytro XTX with 5500 miles. I know that there is so much info out there for these sleds but I don't have any known issues as I have just picked up the sled and as we all know we are still waiting on the snow to take my first ride. So I guess really what I'm Looking for is some help as to where to start with going over the sled to make sure that I am set up as best as I can be for a great season finally riding a Yamaha 4-stroke.
What maintenance should I be making sure is done
What accessories are a must for mostly trail riding with some but minimal off trail riding
Any areas of concern to lookout for
Any Options for the rear exhaust to be turned to the side and tunnel bag installed for multi day trips in UP Mi

Thanks to any that can respond and help a fellow Yamaha rider make sure I'm set up for success!

i would suggest scratchers of some type for the hard frozen days and based off the posted milage, i would reccomend a shock refresh/service if you do not know if they where done.
I'll add an oil and filter change as well. Along with spark plugs and a chaincase inspection. I'd bet you also have a few bad rear suspension bearings at that age and miles. Check those when you pull the skid to do the shocks.
A skidplate from Mountaintech or Barn of Parts is a must. The oil filter is very susceptible to damage, blown engine will follow.
Check the balljoints in the upper & lower A arms for slop also check those bushings in the A arms for excessive wear. Update to oilite bushings when the time comes.
All good info! I would also check the exhaust gaskets and front end bushings! Do an oil change and chain case oil change for peace of mind, tension chain in chain case, adjust track tension, set up suspension for your style of riding, grease the rear skid and enjoy!
Also the speedo side drive shaft bearing is notorious for going out. Given the age, I'd replace it. $40 for peace of mind.
I appreciate all the info guys, my list is looking good for the things I gotta do!!

The previous owner told me that he and the owner before him ran Klotz for oil and chain case. He also said that the Klotz chain case oil is quite thick and sticky. I've always been a believer in YamaLube for all my fluids but I know Klotz is great also, I guess I would ask should I just continue to run Klotz and if so 0w-30 or 0w-40 riding out of northern Mi and UP 70-30 on/off? I do love the way the sled smells with Klotz

Also I was wondering what you guys think about putting the shock covers on the front. Do they help at all?

Thanks again!
i run front shock covers on my apex's and all my other sleds/atv's. never had a leaking seal on them since i have been doing it.

if you end up smelling the chain case oil while riding, that is bad. typically should not smell burning oil on a 4 stroke but i have had an over filled chain case on one and smelled royal purple cooking whenever it went over 70 mph.
