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best attak skis

I used the Apex mountain ski last year with Bergstrom Triple Points and loved them. I used Simmons for two years-hard to turn when moving slow, and pushed through corners on trails that had loose or wet snow. Seems maybe snow builds up underneath and they float through corners instead of dig down to the hard pack and bite. Powders are also a lot cheaper.

what did you put them on?
stock 6" carbides? how many studs?

I am also in the same boat. I am kind of leaning towards puting pilots on my attak. I have an '06 gsx that has pilot 5.7s on it. I am going to swap the skis and try them out. My brother has a summit 1000 with pilot 6.9s and I am going to try those out too. But I heard good things about the simmons and I'd like to try those out also. I had a couple of sleds with precisions on them and I didn't like them on the hard pack. Does any one know if the simmons are similar to the precision skis?
Moose Magnet said:
I am also in the same boat. I am kind of leaning towards puting pilots on my attak. I have an '06 gsx that has pilot 5.7s on it. I am going to swap the skis and try them out. My brother has a summit 1000 with pilot 6.9s and I am going to try those out too. But I heard good things about the simmons and I'd like to try those out also. I had a couple of sleds with precisions on them and I didn't like them on the hard pack. Does any one know if the simmons are similar to the precision skis?

No. Simmons and Precisions are WORLDS apart despite their similar appearance. I have owned and ridden both on the same sled. Do not waste your cash on Precisions.

For those of you who like the Pilots, the skis on the 07 Doos have been redesigned with more material in the troublesome wear area, so they should be a more durable ski than they were last year.
I am going to wait until the snow flies until I make my decision. Simmions or pilots, whatever the choice is, it's going to be better than stock skis. Has anyone tried doolys on their stock skis?
Yes......I ran Woody's 6" doolys all winter after the 4" OEM's wore out.

No darting with the Woody's doolys........very nice. If the snow got "icy or wet" I found that the doolys would not "bite" and would push in corners. But I thought they worked real nice on hard pack trails and they never wore me out after a long day of riding. ;)!
I ran the woodys 8" doolys last winter, didnt like them that much. they got rid of most of the darting but they would push in the corners too much even with transfer at about 1/4 off the min end. but they didnt steer hard at all, they just slid all over the place. i was having problems keeping up with a 144" M6 on the winding trails!
How are the slydog powderhounds on the trails and with darting? Are the C&A razors better for the Attak?
craze1cars said:
Moose Magnet said:
Thats good to know, I ordered pilot 6.9s I figure I'll give them a try.

If it's not too late, I'd recommend you specifically request the 07 models...reportedly just redesigned in the bad wear area to be stronger and longer lasting than the old stock Pilots.
I know about the differece between the '06 and '07 pilots and I made sure that I got the '07 skis.
I like how yamaha is selling Simmons skis in their parts catalogue, but I didn't like the price of them. $180cdn more than what I paid for my pilots. Are Simmons are that much better? I don't think so. They are on crack!!!
yes, simmons are that much better...
why do you think BRP has been trying for years now to run a concave dual runner?
sj said:
yes, simmons are that much better...
why do you think BRP has been trying for years now to run a concave dual runner?
Well I will get back to you on that, I can't justify paying that much more for skis.
