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If decking can be built up say 6-10" and ramps slid underneath with a locking tailgate + storage area.
The sorta outta sight, outta mind thing...
Stolen #*$&@ sucks regardless.
I have a 3/4 ton Silverado and use:

This ramp : Link

With these guides added : Link

It's fairly steep on the taller trucks but I'm used to it now and it works great for both my wheeler and snowmobile. You could always go with a longer ramp for less incline, but this setup was just cheap and easy.
ya its called HILLBILLY hauling.
Ya I know, but I am not buying a new pickup till next year and I'd like to have my sled with me on Friday ready to go but have no room for a trailer while at work in Chicago.
I went with a cheap scissors jack < 20 bucks and if I am alone I can use it to lift the sled up while I slide the ramp in or out. Had not thought about the stealing...........selfish jerks really ticks me off. I quess I will lock it and back into a snow bank.
fishhousetoys.com sells an all aluminum tri-fold ramp Yutrax TX104 that works for taller vehicles and they just lowered the price $119.
I have one of the long 3 section ramps - got in spring not used except on 1 trial time.

Were do you guys keep the ramp as the sled fills the box and don't want the ramp leaning on the sled next to it as I drive down the road. I came up with a 2x6 cut to the length that props up the sled / track so I can slide the ramp under the sled but really tough to do by myself for loading...........any better one man options with the ramp.

I know 'get a trailer' I have one' but I can nearly double my mileage and decrease my hassle if it is just me going for a 6 -12 hour trip to Munising or Manitoba alone.

OPTIONS ? how to store the ramp for one guy alone?

You never come to Manitoba by yourself. :p
You never come to Manitoba by yourself. :p
Ya I hope it stays that way

Any guesses on the Manitoba dates ? Would love to see you guys again
Thanks for all the responses, I got a great deal from Maim up in Canada on a load-all system he had, installed it this weekend looks great will load sled next weekend once I get suspension back in, thanks again guys.
I've built a few of the wooden decks with loading ramp over the years. I've also had trifold loading ramp, actually just bought a new one just after Xmas.

With the aluminum trifold ramps when I unloaded I would fold up and drive up on it with the truck. Can't trust anyone these days.
I just use a tri fold ramp and a T bar I made that fits into the receiver hitch.Ramp pins to the T bar with two receiver locks and a piece of logging chain so it cant slip. Once the sled is loaded the ramp comes off and one lock stays in the T bar and the chain goes through the suspension and through the tri fold which lays beside the sled track ( does not lean on the sled YamahDoo) and the other lock goes in the T bar, Securing the sled and the ramp to the truck. Bonus is when unloading the locks secure the ramp to the truck so its still there when you come back.

I had a wood deck with a ramp under it. Last time I took it out I went to this system and never looked back. Light and easy with the up side of being secure. Use logging chain as it will not rust ever!


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I just use a tri fold ramp and a T bar I made that fits into the receiver hitch.Ramp pins to the T bar with two receiver locks and a piece of logging chain so it cant slip. Once the sled is loaded the ramp comes off and one lock stays in the T bar and the chain goes through the suspension and through the tri fold which lays beside the sled track ( does not lean on the sled YamahDoo) and the other lock goes in the T bar, Securing the sled and the ramp to the truck. Bonus is when unloading the locks secure the ramp to the truck so its still there when you come back.

I had a wood deck with a ramp under it. Last time I took it out I went to this system and never looked back. Light and easy with the up side of being secure. Use logging chain as it will not rust ever!

With my short box and 8 ft ramp if I lay the ramp down flat behind the wheel well it would be sticking out way behind the sled . I learned to put it to the side of the sled leaning towards the box wall with a scrap piece of plywood serving as a protective spacer...crude but worked
Hmm I just lay the tri fold down beside the track at the end of the Ski. Lays flat between the track and the wheelwell, I have the 6ft ramp that fits in that space with a bit of room left over to the end of the tailgate but an 8ft would hang over the tailgate a foot and a half. This would still fit fine as my 10ft sled hangs out that far! My ramp is chained in so it can't slid out the back.

Would never go back to a wooden raised deck with a slid in ramp. The tri fold and T-Bar take up less space when off the truck and are locked in place when on the truck. Never mind less weight (Ramp is maybe 10pds T-Bar is less), ease of install/removal and lower height. I used the ramp this last winter as my trailer was out of commission. I built it to haul my RX to the TY till I purchased an Enclosed.

I'd much rather trailer in an enclosed then haul it in the back but I would sooner haul it in the back then on an open trailer. Damn salt gets everywhere and the liquid crap they are using now on our highways is the worst aluminum galvanizing, electrical corrosion inducing crud that sticks to things like its painted on! Cover does little to stop it but in the back of the truck it gets way less salt/some kind of clorate! Enclosed trailer is best followed by cover on it in the back of the truck, open trailer means stay home!
Ya I know that new liquid crap is one time ruined forever

I will try laying the ramp behind the ski next year
