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Break-in impressions of 2009 Yamaha RS Venture GT

studdog said:
HONDO, I'm not understanding your shock position description. When you say front shocks do you mean the front ski shocks? When you say center shock do you mean front track shock? or rear track shock? Your reference to clicks is that compression or rebounding adjustments? Please clarify. Click adjustments usually refer to shocks with knob adjusters. On this sled the front ski shocks have click adjustments as does the rear track shock. I don't think the front track shock has a click type adjustment. It's a spring ring adjuster like the front shock springs. George.

Hi George,

Both front ski shocks.

Compression Dampening Setting Page 26, of the owners manual: Front Ski Shocks: From position (a) "Standard" is 6 clicks counter clock wise toward position (b) I have gone 7 clicks. One more click softer from standard toward position (b).

Rebound Compression Dampening Setting Page 26: From fully closed direction (a) Standard is 7 clicks in direction (b) I have gone 8 clicks from direction (a) or 1 click softer from Standard

Spring load preload adjuster page 28 which I call the black spring block I have set on (H) heavy. Takes a 22 mm socket, or wrench from your tool kit.

Page 28 Compression and Dampening of Rear Shock absorber: From fully closed position (a) Standard is 6 clicks toward position (b). I have gone only 5 clicks toward position (b).

I haven't done anything with spring preloads yet. I want to get the sled ridden several hundred miles, and will then start tweaking.

Sorry for the confusion,

The GYTR clickers are very sensitive. One click at a time and ride it for several hundred miles. Be patient with the adjustments to find a comfort zone or "sweet spot"

Hope this helps! ;)!

Hondo, Now I'm with you. Thanks for the clarification. You probably are already aware but both the front ski springs and center track shock are set in the softest position from the factory. I was hoping to soften front springs some to lower front end like I have on previous Apex Attaks. It looks like,according to spec, you can't soften the front ski springs. Like you I need to put more miles on before tinkering with suspension. Best to you and your family. George
09 venture GT

Hondo -

Sorry - did you say track howl was not noticable?

I seem to be having trouble with my hearing - ringing in my ears esp. after long rides on my 06 Venture.

It's getting traded this weekend towards an 09 Venture GT. The ergos alone should make the swap worthwhile, if I can get my hearing back - all the better!

Thanks for all the reports - very helpful!
Millsteet/Hondo, I've put more miles on mine and there is a howl at 30-35 MPH. Which is a slower sped than what I remember on 07 Venture touring. My Apex Attacks also had a howl at 40 MPH or so. My sled runs and rides great! A little tendency to raise ski tip in tight turns. I'm looking for a way to improve that. On previously Attak"s we loosened from ski shock springs to lower front end, The Venture GT 09 spec says those springs already set softest. I plan on tinkering with them to see if they can be softened some more. George
Got first ride on my 09 RS Venture TF, im impress'd :)
It was -16.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and i had no problems at all, the windscreen gave very good protection agains the vind and cold.
Spring load preload adjuster set at medium, tried it on Heavy, but it it feel more "tippy" even with a passenger.
Tried it in some deep snow, and it worked verry well.
The only negative thing was some "darting", but i have to try to do some more adjustments to see if i can get rid of it.


I have some track howl on mine to ,not a big deal , I put some different skis on it and the darting is gone completly ,made it a totally different sled for sure , I have my rear springs on soft and loosend down the ski springs and love it that way , My primary clutch sounds alittle noisy is this normal ? as im new to 4-strokes , I have 500 kms on it and it goes back to the dealer tommorrow for its insp. , Were heading to northern Ontarioand then in to Quebec at the end of January to put to the real test , cant wait
Muskoka Man. Did you loosen the front ski springs? If so how much? I just loosened my front ski springs from stock two(2) turns in effort to lower front end and reduce ski lift in turns. I had sucess with this adjustment on 3 Apex Attaks I had before. Going out right now for test ride.
Front end seems better with front ski springs 2 turns looser. Seems softer and less ski lift. Testing more tommorow on longer ride.

I loosened my about 5 turns and it rides smoother for sure ,I also clicked the shocks up tighter and seems less tippy in the corners , the 09 seems to sit high so the tippiness may be a part of life , I do notice with the wife on the back there is less lift in the corners , the extra weight seems to keep it planted on the snow better , once I changed skis I had to reset up the hole sled again from were I had it ,but I think I have it just were I want it , I put in some extra time at work on the holidays so I can play hookey soon and rack on some kms :jump:
Good reports Guy's,

Keep them coming.

I haven't ridden very much during Christmas and New Years due to family obligations. I will get back on the machine this week.

Hopefully we can begin to accumulate more snow as well. We have bunch of glaze ice up here.

I haven't noticed a track howl but will start to focus on the speed ranges previously mentioned.

One reason for going to the DB II chassis and a detuned FI motor with a smoother and wider torque band was precisely for the elimination of any track howl. The pre-production sled didn't have a track howl.

I need more seat time. :o|

I can say putting on aftermarket skis (Curves) made the sled much more stable and certainly less tippy. I know a few suspension adjustments are in order.

How about fuel mileage? Can anyone comment?

Again, good info, ;)!
I have not kept exact track of mileage , but it gets better with each tank during break-in for sure , I do have track howl and it goes in tommorrow for its 500 km check-up , I will ask dealer about it but I think I know there answer before I even get there :o| , Im also going to get the noisy primary checked out , but all and all I really like my GT

Gentlemen, Just curious but I don't see anything in owners manual about set up of suspension for one rider versus two? I plan I riding mine as a one up sled but you would think there should be much different adjustments for regular two up riding. Am I mssing something? George
studdog said:
Gentlemen, Just curious but I don't see anything in owners manual about set up of suspension for one rider versus two? I plan I riding mine as a one up sled but you would think there should be much different adjustments for regular two up riding. Am I mssing something? George
Hope this helps, understreering- reduce the preload on the center shock or shorten the front limiter strap, you may need to drill new holes, trade off will be slightly heavy steering Excessive inside ski lift during cornering or tippy-reduce front ski preload or shorten front limiter strap, trade off will be front end bottoming or too soft, Also the adjustable coupling rods can be tweaked start with small adjustments and change one thing at a time, good luck! :yam:
