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Broken Rails...can I ride it??

Long Track

Feb 13, 2006
Cambridge, Ontario
Going on a 3 day sled trip this weekend and just found that both my slide rails are cracked at the rear pivot arm bolts. Will it be ok to ride like this or should I have it fixed first?


Others with more experience will chime in I'm sure, but here's my thoughts:

If the cracks were by a wheel mount, I'd say big deal, thinking that the worst that could happen is that I'd lose a wheel and have premature slide wear. I'm not so sure I'd ride like though, I'd think you would have a real bad day if that let lose while going down the trail after hitting a big bump or something.
If you don't have time to get it welded, (and you will have to add some reinforcement to that area or it will keep cracking) I would put a big washer on both sides for support and ride it. I rode with my rails cracked, but not there for some time before I could fix it. To reinforce it have small washers/plates made out of aluminum and tig around the area, then use a slightly longer bolt.
If you are going to ride, than I would limit tail landings when ever in the air. Probably best just not to get air until welded and supported.

I know when I first had the compression breaking I was reluctant to back off throttle in the air as nose of sled would drop much more than I intended. So I would stay in the throttle and tail land more than I liked. After some time I have learned to feather down on the throttle and land flat.

Be safe

Don't forget that your A$$ is on that machine,and if your an aggresive rider and it fails---YOU can't be replaced! I don't mess around with cracked anything down there..lots of pressure in points--now its cracked..do it the right way and re-place if you have time..good luck. ;)!
