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Carb cleaning


Dec 8, 2009
central Mass
Just like to say thanks to all the people who put the great info on here, Started my sled after sitting all summer with stable in it, it ran like crap,wouldnt idle unless choke was on, followed the posts on ty, removed carbs cleaned,changed bowl screws to allen head, runs like new, thanks :jump:

Yup, I now store mine with no gas in it at all, I completely drain the tank and the carbs so I don't need to clean the jets every Winter. This ethanol enriched gas is crap and doesn't last long before growing algae.
Personally, I've had better luck using Sea Foam because even with draining, you never get it all.
Guys just fill her to the lip with AV gas next spring and run it so the AV GAS is in the carbs end of problem. AV GAS still has lead in it yea thats right leaded gasoline like in the good ole days. For good measure I put seafoam in it as well. They all fired right up no problems this fall and winter.
I wonder if 110 race gas would work the same. Anyone know if it is leaded? Maxdlx
Race gas is leaded. Has more lead than AV gas. Typically AV gas is 100LL. 100 Octane low lead.
RXMax said:
Race gas is leaded. Has more lead than AV gas. Typically AV gas is 100LL. 100 Octane low lead.
Not in Canada...100LL is actually 105 octane on the gas pump scale at the gas station, and should be the same in the U.S of A. It is measured on a complete different scale, not ROM and MON.
need help. 04 warrior ran great all last winter, fired it up for the first time this winter, just doesnt have full power, and has kind of a flutterery or muffel sound to it. I took the carbs apart per info off the T.Y. FORUM cleaned all jets and orfices. didnt help. I now have the carbs apart again to see if I missed anything. question, when I remove the screw to take the float out there is another screw below that one where the seat is, how do you get the seat out once you take out the screw? Also any other advice is greatly appreciated, as I am new to the carb issues. :rocks:
I do not remove the float valve's seats. If they are bad you will be flooded with fuel. I do spray some cleaner through them.

A messed up idle is typically from the Pilot Jets. I run a bristle from a wire brush through the pilots. Once you can get a good solid stream of carb cleaner shooting through the Pilot Jet, you have it clean. Put the red tube from the carb cleaner on jet's slotted end. Cover slot with fingers, You should get a nice stream of carb cleaner to shoot a good 10' out of the jet. If not, it is not clean.

Take out the Pilot Screws. Spray some cleaner through the passageway that they control. Then set the Pilot Screws to 2 turns from the bottom.

Double check the other two jets. I had a main plugged with flakes of varnish last time. But, that will act like you lost the whole cylinder on takeoff.
I use Startron stabilizer, rated for 2 years, enzyme for ethanol gas, popular in marine engine gas as it sits for months. I drain everything except the tank. Planning to add R1 inline fuel filters just in case build up in tank. I have a rx warrior 04
I removed the seat to check filter on back. To pull out the valve seat I accidently scored the inside barrel. I used small needle nose with one side in the barrel. Didn’t notice till reassembled and could not get gas into the carb. Turned out very tight clearance between valve seat barrel and needle, and it caught and jammed. Had to finish the barrel w a file. To remove the seats now I take standard pliers and grab outside of lip. There must be a better way, but works.
