Closed loop PM tune muffler swaps

Please do not run pm tunes with stock muffler or visa versa!!!!!! There’s much more going on in the tune the afr to match the muffler. All performance mufflers will run with the Hurricane pm tunes but you must run the sm tunes with a stock muffler.
Is there difference between the pm tunes ie; hurricane trail muffler and a sandale heart breaker. Can you successfully swap these 2 with your pm tune or do you need a specific tune for each exhaust
A call to Dave at Hurricane will help with your decisions. Dave is often available to talk to or return your calls. He has posted in the past that Hurricanes PM tunes are compatible with Sandale's mufflers.
Thanks for Chiming in the Dave, I will just plan PM tune bundle and add a SM tune in there with it, so that I have options in the super strict areas Just so many more options these days, and the big names have developed the tuning side so much further for the general user than it ever was for the old 1100. To get the options available to 998 you need full stand alone setup for the 1100
A call to Dave at Hurricane will help with your decisions. Dave is often available to talk to or return your calls. He has posted in the past that Hurricanes PM tunes are compatible with Sandale's mufflers.
Bob, sounds like you're getting some exciting weather?
Bob, sounds like you're getting some exciting weather?
Yes...we have been able to ride still even before this big snow storm that is hitting us as we still have a foot or so of snow cover on the ground, our wooded trails are useable, and there is still lots of ice on our lakes.
This has definitely been one of our best and latest riding seasons in many years:)
