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Clunk or almost bang on hard accel


Dec 16, 2009
S.E. Michigan
I was out yesterday for a ride with my fairly new to me 07 attack. The conditions are hardpack crusty #*$&@ frozen snow if I gaff the throttle it pulls like a freight train but on two occasions clunked, poped, or banged don't know exactly how to describe it. I thought maybe the track was ratcheting so cked the adjustment and it seemed fine. Now that being said the snow is like concrete so I'm thinking with the torque this thing makes it still maybe ratcheting, any ideas guys?? If i rode it halfway sane, it never made a peep. Thanks in advance :letsnow:

skey01 said:
SharkAttak said:
my be the transfer rod, it makes a clunking noise somethings
don't think so, tooo violent of noise but guess maybe its possible. What should i check ??

i'd get it the rear of the sled up in the air and check everything then, make sure the transfer rod or something else didn't come loose
Ice builds up in the tunnel, l have had it come loose in big chunks and made some clunking/banging noise. otherwise check drive shaft and bearings.

most likely the track is ratcheting if cond. are that hard and its hooking good. it can sound pretty loud when it does it.
Sometimes when ice breaks loose, and makes it's way over the track and through the tunnel, it can be very loud and strange. Really cold conditions make for hard ice chunks. You will also notice it when you go over a jump and the ice breaks loose.
yox185 said:
Sometimes when ice breaks loose, and makes it's way over the track and through the tunnel, it can be very loud and strange. Really cold conditions make for hard ice chunks. You will also notice it when you go over a jump and the ice breaks loose.
No Ice, clean underneath, barelee enough soft snow for lube its hard as hell only was out for 1/2 hour came out of heated pole barn.
skey01 said:
yox185 said:
Sometimes when ice breaks loose, and makes it's way over the track and through the tunnel, it can be very loud and strange. Really cold conditions make for hard ice chunks. You will also notice it when you go over a jump and the ice breaks loose.
No Ice, clean underneath, barelee enough soft snow for lube its hard as hell only was out for 1/2 hour came out of heated pole barn.

It's got to be the ratchet.
If I decelerate the accelerate hard it will clunk. Clutch disengages then engages hard if I'm not smooth with the throttle. Also mine will clunk in moguls,bumps which is the transfer rod.
CaptCaper said:
If I decelerate the accelerate hard it will clunk. Clutch disengages then engages hard if I'm not smooth with the throttle. Also mine will clunk in moguls,bumps which is the transfer rod.
No this is definatly under hard accel only, I mean pinning it or darn close no decel than accel again. I'm thinking ratchet also but have never experianced this so don't know for sure, and the conditions rite now are like I have never experienced in my 35 years of riding.
Typically if it ratchets it will be more than one clunk. You will hear a few clunks. Check your chain tensioner, make sure it's up to specs, finger tight them back off 1/4 turn.
