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IT is not the clutch,it is the gear reducer. last year it was louder. yamaha added an rubber damper to reduce the noise this year. it is annoying but not a problem. i have over 5100 miles on my 04 RX1 and it has gotten louder, exspecialy when it is cold.
Like VT.RX1 said, it's not the clutch. I'm not sure about the rubber dampner but do know they changed from a straight cut to a heli cut gears to meash better while idling. Once a load is put on them they become silent. There was never a durability issue, only an iritating noise.
I too have some noise coming from the primary clutch area so I decided to call my dealer about it. He told me that his RX-1 made noise also, but it was much less noticable after he put on Heel Clickers. This makes me think that it is the flyweights making the noise. :idea: When I get home from work tonight I think I will warm up the sled and pay close attention to how much noise it makes, shut the sled off and remove the flyweights, start it back up and compair. Flyweights can't rattle if there not there. It will at least show me how much they contribute to the noise. Even easier, maybe I can wedge something between the roller and flyweights to keep them from moving/rattling around. The other thing to remember is the 2003's use smaller rollers than the 2004 Warriors (not sure on the plain RX-1). Maybe with less room between the roller and flyweight you get less noise :?: When I used Heel Clickers on my SRX I know the flyweight was real close to the roller. I even seem to recall that you shouldn't use the big 16.5 rollers with Heel Clickers because they would touch the roller.
With the muffler out the back and a quieter less ping 4-stroke sound, you will notice noises never noticed before. Not a big deal IMO
Just got my 04 shorty back from from the dealer. Yamaha says the primary clutch noise is normal. Basically they are saying, "we have your 12,000.00 hard earned Canadian dollars and were not going to do a darn thing about it".
Ran my experiment as posted above. VT.RX1 and MightyWarrior are right! On my sled, most, if not all the noise comes from the gear reduction and possibly some even from the timing chains and valve train. I even went so far as to remove the primary clutch and try it. Syncronized the carbs and adjusted the idle to 1600 RPM's. This reduces the noise to a minimum. The smoother the engine runs the less noise it makes.
