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Dear Yamaha

Onlyonayammi said:
Seems pretty minor to me. Would you rather have ring issues like a REV, recalls like the Fusion, etc....

I totally agree! One of the sales guys at Team Blue World Headquarters (Gary's Yamaha, Caribou, ME) said that a friend of his bought a brand new Rev and he needed to bring it back to the dealer over 6 times for major problems. I can also say I've seen my share of other brand's "NEW" sleds, dead on the trail. The problems listed are minor and fixable. I have over 700 miles on my new Rager and not one problem. Yamaha is the most reliable brand out there!



I have also experienced many of these problems in 700 miles. Snow flap too long for reverse models. gauge fogging, reverse handle freezing, TORS (4 times in first 12 miles, but fixed by rerouting cable), track seems loud with studs and plastic wheels, and of course that dang noisey clutch...

I think you guys are too quick to jump on him for making some complaints about a sacred Yamaha. The fact is that there ARE a few issues with them. I chalk it up to two things: being the first year run of this model, and also the more bells and whistles there are, the more minor issues you are going to have.

Howevever, getting 21 mpg along with that awesome torque and back saving ride, and that great exhaust sound, and the way it launches off hills, and....

You get the picture. You need to look at the total package. I still love this sled and wouldn't buy anything but a Yamaha. ;)!
Anyone who burns up a set of hyfax on a sled in 300 miles and blames Yamaha is a guy who is unreasonable. Obviously it was run in conditions that would permit that. It's not the sleds fault. I could run mine in those conditions and I would think that I shouldn't have done that. Many people, myself included, have put thousands of miles on sets of hyfax. The RX/RS models are known for not going through them too soon. If a guy is unreasonable in one complaint probably it would be consistent.
Ok guys we are getting a little out of hand here. When i started the dear yamaha forum i wanted these problems addressed to yamaha. When i go to a dealer and ask them questions about my sled, i want answers. I am sure there are alot of dealers across the country that know what is going on with these sleds, but the ones i talked to don't have a clue. I have been working on recreational vehicles for 34 years and when i walk into a dealer and ask them a question about a t.o.r.s. problem or why my headlight in not coming on i would like an answer not a dumb look. so yamaha please communicate with your dealers across the country. and thanks everybody for all the feedback. Happy trails, the antrim county snowman.
Good point

Good point. I think everyone that is experiencing these problems just want answers on how to fix them, so they have a machine that is even more of a joy to ride. They aren't running down the sled for no reason.

My hyfax slides are still doing well after 700 miles, but I know that I wont get THOUSANDS of miles out of them, judging from all of the melted plastic stuck to the clips. However, I don't address this issue as I realize it was mostly caused by the conditions that I subjected it to last weekend. Just part of the expense it takes to have fun in this sport.
1,800 miles on my hyfax and counting...the tors seems to be either a prob with relocating the cable and some say its an adjustment and some say its a voltage prob so when you bring your sled to the dealer they might not know right away what it is...and it IS a NEW prob for Yamaha and only with the RS series. Even new cars have little bugs to weed out so be patient and I think its normal to have a small problem or two with a new sled but hyfax wear is usually conditions..It also helps to be alittle knowledgable about track adjustments so you know what you are looking at as an owner of the sled...check the allignment, and how loose OR tight the track is etc. hope this helps :D
Yamaha has always had an issue with their hyfax. The material they use is #*$&@. I was riding behind my wife last weekend on her new Vector. We had been about 60 miles with no issues. We stopped to adjust our facemasks as it was -28F. Then 10 min later down the trail in perfect snow conditions I could smell burning rubber coming from her sled. I stopped her and the hyfax was hot as hell. We let it cool down and didn’t have a problem the rest of the weekend. I looked at her track when we got home and theirs a thin layer of melted hyfax all over the contact area. My Viper always did the same thing with new hyfax. Yamaha made the hyfax wider on the RS but it’s still #*$&@ when compared to the stuff Ski-Doo uses. I wish they would switch to the same stuff Doo uses.
stylus, I've had five different Yamaha's in the past 7 years and have only had hyfax problems due to the conditions. I understand that SRX's had some issues, one of the years in specific. Are you sure you're track is tensioned properly? It seems weird that in over 30,000 miles I have not had problems with mine and neither have any of my Yami friends here.
Well I'm at 1,800 ,iles with my Rage and looks like alittle more wear up front as they all do but probally will go for awhile yet long as I run it in the >snow< the track sits alittle higher than some other sleds too 1&1/4 "lug so ya need alittle snow, hardpack isn't good run off and hit some fluff..
some of you guys are harsh

I tend to agree with the stock hyfax remark. Seems to melt like just plain recycled milk jugs. My last sled's colored factory stuff melted right to the track clips once, and this sled has black stuff stuck all over the clips. I'm not bit***ng because I concider this a wear item anyway. I don't mind changing them every season as part of the routine. Granted, the existing conditions probably weren't that good when this was occurring, but I've never had that happen with aftermarket stuff. When the originals wear out I always switch to graphite hyfax and don't seem to have the melting problem anymore. Plus they are nice and slippery. ;)!
I was wondering if they had the hyfax for the new sleds with the wider rails...so they do then great ! ;)!
Rail profile at the bottom is the same as the earlier models. Some people have noticed less wear when they switched to the older narrower style. If you look at the wider hyfax, it completely blocks the narrow window used on the 3rd window closed tracks.
Called my dealer today and they do carry graphite hyfax ..not in stock tho and had to order it 16.96 a side he said compared to like 12.95 or so but a 2-3 mph gain in top end and better wear.. no colors tho
