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Doo versis apex

Bring your apex's to the mach z shootout, Feb. 10th Indian Lake, Manistique Mi. Starting at 8 a.m. running all day.
My buddy just got back from a trip in the U.P. the Mach Z that went with them SMOKED every sled up there.. (he says he has never been beat) It even beat a Apex with Nitros.. (they even donated a full bottle to the guy wiht the apex just because they wanted him to have a chance)

The guy wont say what is done to the mach Z.. but it is unbelievable fast..

THey guy with the Mach Z has a sticker on his windshield that says.. RACES WANTED!
Them there days you need the turbooooooooooooooooo to shut the boys in yellow up !!!!!
