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drone sound new apex xtx

Who'd wanna listen to Tunes when you can listen to that beautiful 4 cyl???
I can understand wanting to listen to music while riding a 3 cyl, but that 4cyl is awesome to hear!

Just push the throttle past the "drone" and rock on!
xtx said:
Talk to rock who or what's that ?
rockmiester he is awesome to work with he can set you up with in helmet tunes he is on here he has some long posts on the yamaha general talk section. but i do agree i have been running the apex for 5 seasons now and although i have heard such drone i have never travled slow enough to have it be a part of my ridding. that little flipper that your right thumb goes on just duct tape it to the bars and hang on. no more drone. :sled1: :4STroke: :moon:
UP Michigan rider said:
If anyone has any ideas / solution to the "Drone" please let me know. When going "steady as she goes" long distance (for example down long straight old railroad tracks) The Drone does get old fast.

If you travel 25 to 30mph on a rail bed why did you buy and Apex?

I've never heard a drone on any rail bed! Even when I do hear the drone it doesn't bother me! I guess ear plugs are in order!
monte1214 said:
Who'd wanna listen to Tunes when you can listen to that beautiful 4 cyl???
I can understand wanting to listen to music while riding a 3 cyl, but that 4cyl is awesome to hear!

Just push the throttle past the "drone" and rock on!

I purchased my XTX Apex in order to use it from A to Z and everything in between. I did not buy it for any one specific mission. Everyone acknowledges the "drone" exists. Trust me, I can live with it but it would be nice if someone had a few ideas. If not that's fine too. Its not that big of a deal.
UP Michigan rider said:
I purchased my XTX Apex in order to use it from A to Z and everything in between. I did not buy it for any one specific mission. Everyone acknowledges the "drone" exists. Trust me, I can live with it but it would be nice if someone had a few ideas. If not that's fine too. Its not that big of a deal.
Here's an idea.put on an exhaust silencer,it helps with the Wha Wha Wha Whawhawhawhawha drone i think? or maybe it over powers the drone..something happens i can tell ya ! im ok with it,your going to have some.its a 4cyl ,High Performance Crotch Rocket-or Snow Rocket whatever :sled1: :sled1: :sled1: :sled1:
UP Michigan rider said:
I purchased my XTX Apex in order to use it from A to Z and everything in between. I did not buy it for any one specific mission. Everyone acknowledges the "drone" exists. Trust me, I can live with it but it would be nice if someone had a few ideas. If not that's fine too. Its not that big of a deal.

Doesn't look like we will be getting any helpful information other than the usual non-answers
this is my first 4-stroke and friends of mine that have them (older Apex/RX1) have/had the same drone. i don't think anyone has ever been able to eliminate it completely. Some have had some luck with a clutch kit because it changes the rpm at that sped. i just use an ipod contected to my communicator although last year on my 1700km trip i forgot to bring it with me. i really never had any problems the whole trip. i guess i must be getting use to it. it can get annoying.
dfapexride said:
UP Michigan rider said:
I purchased my XTX Apex in order to use it from A to Z and everything in between. I did not buy it for any one specific mission. Everyone acknowledges the "drone" exists. Trust me, I can live with it but it would be nice if someone had a few ideas. If not that's fine too. Its not that big of a deal.

Doesn't look like we will be getting any helpful information other than the usual non-answers

For the majority its a non issue hence the non answers! I may be in the drone zone less then .1% of my ride time and never for miles at a time. So solution is go slower or faster or wear earplugs. The later being a good idea for protection from wind noise.

Even if you can elliminate the exaust from the equation the track will still drone. I rode a Polaris sled that was almost silent except for the track drone. So buy a Cat quiet track and install it to help with the drone. The drone is a resonence of motor tone and wheels running over lugs at about 30mph give or take, Cat claimed to fix this with thier track. Or run duponts and take off your idler wheels that might work. The easiest and cheapest solution is don't ride at the speed it drones at!

But in the end all I have is, what drone? I don't notice one.
That's cuz your old and deef ^^^^^^^^^^. :jump:
I have the Ice Ripper XT silent track.it may quiet it down some,also calm vibrations a little hard to tell cause of the full exhaust.maybe Yamahas new stabilizer bars/braces will help with the frequency drone ??

I have a 06 Apex and have the drone..But I got rid of it. One season I was tormented to death with the drone..Next season the drone was gone...Only thing I changed from the previous season, my helmet...I had a cheaper motocross style helmet and the next season I went out and bought a Yamaha klim helmet. Rode it the first day and then realized that I wasn't feeling the drone in my head..And the only difference, the helmet..why it is gone I don't know..Two years now and no drone....Go figure....
