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Droning sound of exhaust

I love that sound of my sled, I dont want it to ever go away.
Teamblue4 said:
I love that sound of my sled, I dont want it to ever go away.

Yea I agree as it lets you know you still have a R1 under the hood. My wife has a 3cyl FI and it isn't anywere near the motor.
I got my first ride on a 2006 Apex yesterday, 190 miles and I didn't notice a drone at any speeds (stock exhaust and stock 1.25" unstudded track).

Edit: I now notice a droan around 25mph but it doesn't seem too objectionable (I didn't notice until I looked for it). It's hard to ride at only 25mph so I don't do it often.
I think those that gutted their exhaust may have beat the droan but im not 100% maybe someone with gutted exhaust will chime in.
thor452 said:
I think those that gutted their exhaust may have beat the droan but im not 100% maybe someone with gutted exhaust will chime in.

Yea, then it's retarded loud at ALL RPM's. :drink:
my solution "no brains no headache" lol
Does any one think that if those terrible two bolts that hold the Y-pipes to the frame where rubber mounted, that it might stop some of the vibration through the frame there for reducing the noise as well. They are bolted solid to the body and yet the rear muffler is rubber mounted to reduce noise. :o| Just and idea. Also did anyone who put turn downs on the tips notice a difference in the drone?
Everyone talks about the drone but I don't notice it! At least not in a way that it is obnoxius It is a non issue for me.
I had the same problem. Synchronized my throttle bodies before last season, sled sound "smoother", drone went away.

Does seem like having various sound waves generated by the sled makes the overall drone. Intakes out of sync "harmony", makes it annoying.

Before that I would have sworn it was my studs on hardpack and/or exhaust leak.
Hey guys, here is what I have found to work.
I have always worn a fullface hjc helmet with an electric visor. This drone has been driving me absolutely crazy! I had a head cold the first weekend I got this 07 GT and it wasn't fun.
I have since gone to wearing my motocross helmet(fox V3) and I purchased the Dragon snow goggles. They have a large amount of foam to seal around the helmet and I use an unwind balaclava.
The drone is....GONE! Completely! It had everything to do with the echoing off of the closed helmet.
I can now say I will probably never go back to the other unless it is very cold out. Yes I still get a little cold air coming in above the goggles but I am sure I will get it sorted out.

If the drone is making your ride unenjoyable then go to an open motocross style helmet. Did I mention absolutely ZERO fogging isses and a lot better visability?
I think someone should take the rear plastics off and ride with a passenger. Get it at droning rpm and get the passenger to put their hand on the tunnel and see if it vibrates excessively. I suspect the drone might be a combination of exhaust and track making the tunnel resonate. If that's the case it could be fixed/improved with damping material very easy and cheap. Just a theory.

I have a couple of relatives with apex's and I have experienced the drone, it was quite nauseating, although I never looked into it for them.
