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ELECTRIC REAR SHOCK ON GT....................Question?


TY 4 Stroke God
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Kieler wis.
DO you think there will be problems with ripping the wire off the rear shock or breaking it, like they had with the cable adjuster on last years model?

I believe that cat had a problem breaking the electric shock wiring on the SS model too..
I have a GT coming & that is my biggest concern. :? I had two RA boots & cables replaced last year. :( The cables are just in a bad area--lots of wet snow flying around.Will have to wait & see or is it prey & see.However I couldn't pass up the good features of the shock. 8) ;)!
I imagine they gave this one some thought due to the problems of the cable boot last season. I'm not going to worry about it now.
LazyBastard said:
An insulated wire is not as susceptible to water and freezing as a mechanical cable is.

But the wire does alot of bending and ice and snow will freeze around it ,weighing it down and pulling on it..
A solid core wire wouldn't be good for bending, but a proper braided core wire will be both extrememly durable AND flexible. Think of rubberized aircraft cable. Don't worry about it. If they chose the correct wire, then you'll be able to repeatedly whack it with a sledge hammer and it should rip the shock out before the wire breaks.
There is very little to no flexing of the wire due to where it's run up along the suspension and thru the tunnel where's it's bolted. Where the mechanical cable ran directly to the side and into the tunnel. That cable is way more suseptable to crap flying.
