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Electrical problem

Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
Churchill Falls ,NL
2015 Viper MTX
My son wanted to take my sled for a ride today only to find out that no gauges,no head light,no tail light,?? replaced the fuse twice with two new ones just in case ,,still no go!!! checked wires everything seems ok?? It worked earlier today.

any suggestions?

Most likely a bad load control relay (main relay). It's located behind the RH knee panel and on the RX sleds I believe it's the right relay (left for the RS sleds). It powers the headlight and signal circuits.
electrical problems

That's one of those three relays just inside the buzzer?

I'll have to check tomorrow after work..Hopefully it's something so simple as that..not a wiring issue..and hopefully my dealer carries that relay

Yes, they are next to the backup alarm. The part number for the main relay is: 8DM-81950-00-00. The left relay is for the carb heater, the center is the high/low beam control and the right relay is the main relay. The main and the carb heater relays are the same and you could try swapping them to confirm that you have a faulty relay. The high/low beam relay is controlled by the switch on the handlebars. It gets it's power feed for the bulbs from the main relay so if you don't have headlights it doesn't mean the high/low relay is bad. Start with the main relay first.
This is what just happened on my buddies 2004 RX-1 Traced it down to the main relay like grizztracks mentions. Problem solved!

Thanks Guys
I'll try the relay replacement tomorrow..Suprised that my dealer has one in stock!

electrical problems

Thanks for you help guys,,replaced the relay and everythings up and running again.. :jump:
electrical problems

Damn relay gone again!!!

What's causing this to blow..checked everything before could not see any damaged cables..

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