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Emergency brake left on???

jcurrieta said:
thanks guys.
It makes sense they are a different pads if its on a cable. I did notice it had a bit of drag on deceleration. But because it was my first ride this year i thought i was being picky. I didnt smell or burn the belt that i knowticed. Thats why i forgot it was left on.... i guess it wasnt all that good to begin with. Ill make an adjustment on it. rotor is fine... as after i turned off the ebrake the reg brakes worked great as normal.

Most likely your parking brake was not adjusted properly or you would have smoked the belt and known you had a problem immediately. I found on mine that I had to add a couple of small shim washers on the mounting bolts to get it to clamp tight and be centered over the rotor when released. Here is a link to a thread on this.

http://www.ty4stroke.com/viewtopic.php? ... e&start=15
Daranello said:
Go in your wife's bathroom, grab red nail polish and paint the underside of the parking brake red,,,, then return nail polish fast before she finds out

That's actually a great idea!
I also left my brake on last year just reversing it out of the trailer, but did notice it right away as I smelled my belt :o|

I am also going to paint under my reverse leaver on my XLT as it has no beeper and with my son riding it beginning next year, I can see the inevitable happening.

Sounds like I should also tighten up my e-brake to where it won't move as easily just giving it a slight amount of gas?
I powder coated my lever bright orange to notice it more easily. I hope I will stop forgetting to release the parking brake now =)

Nice but if both sides are the same color you are less likely to notice which position it is in. If just the underside was red it would be much more obvious if it was flipped over. However just the fact that it is red makes it easier to see and it looks nice!
You probably wore out one of the parking brake pads. they are about the size of a quarter and have 1/16th of pad material. Buy a set of two and put in "one" new pad. Save the other for the next time you forget the parking brake.
Adjust the parking brake after the new pad is in.
The prevoius owner that I bought a sled from left the parking brake on. So i am replacing the worn pads for the parking brake. Any ideas how the come out. ???? They look like the should just slide out. The round pad spins in the hole but seems to be stuck in there. Anyone ever replace these and know if I just needed a bigger hammer??LOL
take parking bk assembly and toss in garbage, it dont have enough strenghth to smoke a belt thats why u never noticed it on ! mine properly adjusted woulnt hold its own weight loading on a titlt trailer! use your hydrolic brake if u really need a parking bk , with velcrow strap or sumthin!!
I painted the back side floresent Orange on my kids vmax so that he didn't forget. Works great.
I've done this more than once. I have 12000 miles and have only had to readjust the parking brake. I have had no warping or other damage yet other than the mental anguish of forgetting it was on.
