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ER or GT?

cat hunter said:
My chum has the ER and I have the GT and they are not even in the same ballpark when it comes to cornering and stability.By moving the top clicker 2-4 clicks on the front shock makes so much diffence.The front shocks after 8600 miles still work like new.This alone is worth the extra $$$ By the way my chum is looking for a set of GT shocks!!! ;)!

this is a fantastic point: Ohlins are such high quality they will most likely last alot longer.... that, and I think you will get your money right back with a higher resale when you do sell down the road.

Well I once rode my GT for a few hundred miles on a weekend trip with an ER rear shock since the high quality Ohlins was being rebuilt for a 2nd time and I honestly noticed no difference (I def liked the front clicker shocks tho). I NEVER adjusted my shock on the trail, I always rode it at the max setting as I didn't like the way it handled at any other level. If you're looking at used, the prices are all over the map and you may see ERs and GTs in the same price range, I'd still choose the GT again unless an ER was $500 plus cheaper for similar condition.
i've owned both ER and GT models and put lots of miles on each. save your money and get the ER. It boils down to setup. Dial in the suspension to your liking and enjoy. No noticeable difference b/t well setup ER vs well setup GT.

IMHO, the Ohlins adjustable rear shock is a gimmick. The electric harness has failed on me all 3 seasons, never lasting over 500 miles each time. It is just as easy to reach down and spin the ER knob as it is to first push the mode button and then the rocker and back to the mode button to adjust the GT. As for resale, why spend $1k more up front to get what, maybe a couple hundred more at the end? My next Apex will be an ER.
Well I guess now it is the time for the people to decide!!! It seems people are very split -- some feel its wise to definitely go with the GT, others say not worth it...... Ultimately people will get what they chose, or whatever used sleds are available in the location they are buying!!!!!

BTW -- I have a GT and didn't especially want one -- I just wanted a used 136" Apex -- and this was a good looking used sled that fit the bill!!!!!!
I'm going on 11000 mi on my gt, and never had any shock issues. I had my shock revalved when new,and it inproves the range on the adjustment.
