Exhaust Cans....


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Feb 23, 2012
Reaction score
Plymouth, MI
I think it would be very useful if we had a sticky to the forum identifying several exhaust can performance.

I have a stock 2015 RTX Viper and the stock exhaust claims 73dB at 15 MPH and 78dB at WOT. This was noted on a tag attached to my handle bars when I picked it up.
What are other after market cans claiming?

Manufacture / HP Gain / 15MPh dB / WOT dB/ Weight Save/
Stock............./................../.....73dB......./....78dB.../....................../(db from tag from Manf.)
Ulmer.........../...7-8........./......76db......./.....81db.../......5lbs......../(data from his site, claimed 3db > stock)
MBRP........../......8........../.......84db....../...TBD...../.......5lbs......../(data from MBRP sales rep)
MBRP (Nos-Pro Test)..../.......98db....../....100db../.....................(see Nos-Pro test in thread pg. 3)
Excell........../......9.........../......................................./........8lbs....../(add the airbox kit and get 22 more HP)
D&D............/......6-7....../......74db......../....78db.../.......12lbs....../(sales rep said +1db over stock, no packing in can)
SLP............../ no claim./.....<88db....../.....N/A.../.......6lbs......../(sales rep said less than 88db, no hp gain with silencer, mostly weight save)
OSP............./.......5-6...../.....TBD........./......TBD../.......10lbs...../(data from OSP Sales)
Skinz UltraQ......TBD..../....85db +/-7../......TBD/......TBD......./ (sales rep did not have much info yet)
Evolution............TBD.../.....85db........../....TBD../.......TBD....../(Nos-pro test at idle 82db, pg 4 of thread)


This would help everyone to see the facts.
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good to see this, i mentioned making a sticky of this earlier. i have the OSP on my viper. when the snow flies ill post videos to this thread so we can get an exhaust database. Weight was 6ibs and OSP claimed 3-5 HP. Install took all of 5 minutes, fit and finish was 100%, mounting brackets are good and strong, and their bung for the 02 sensor is a better design than the factory. puts the sensor at a better angle reducing stress on the wires. DB's I'm not sure on and have no way of measuring, but it is defiantly one of the louder if not the loudest can available for the viper. you would not pass a DB test on the trail if required to do so in your riding area. DB testing is not required in any of my areas so it has no effect on me here
I agree. I will work on making a sticky in facts problem is every exhaust maker thread has become a comparison with all different pipes. It would be easier reading if each stayed true to the original exhaust and there was also just one thread for comparisons. If you guys want to post links to each exhaust thread here that would help me out. Just search,copy and paste.
I started on it. Stickied in the Facts thread under exhaust. Please pm me or post links to anything you want in there and try to encourage guys to keep their posts on topic and in the right spot. Ulmer in Ulmer,EVO in EVO. I dont have the ability to merge threads.
Awesome. This will make it a lot easier to review and compare. Thanks!
You can add Sandale in Winnipeg to the list. They make some great products with top notch customer service and are coming out with a muffler or two soon. Lots of guys, including me with Turbo Cats ran their turbo outlet and mufflers with great results.
Good Thread....but the stock exhaust is way louder than 73. If they are claiming 73, I need to stand farther away from the sled.
I hear ya... I was surprised too but there is some type of certification tag zip tied to the handle bars that stated those numbers. I found it interesting given so many have tested dB levels on their own and come up with much higher numbers.
Yeah, I was doing the dB test with my own meter and I was close to the sled at idle, about 10 feet away when taking a dB test on the trail.

Hmmmm, I will see what kind of distance it takes me to get 73-78 dB
FYI - I am going to start with the dB meter on my MBRP and switch over to stock since I have mine setup for asphalt....I can do some 15mph and WOT runs.

But, we all need to be in agreement of where to take the readings from (distance away from the sled). Before, when I was using the meter, I was right next to the sled. It didn't matter as I did the exact same distance away from the sled when I switched over to the MBRP. Then, if you remember the post, Shagman rode our sleds, same snowy wet conditions, both XTX's, same driver but difference was bewteen the stock exhaust with 2,xxx miles compared to the MBRP.

rbell14 - will you be editing the 1st post so we all can see the differences? ALso, you can add Evolution Powersports to the list ;)
Here in NY there is a "law" which supposably states (don't quite me exact since I can't remember for sure from this past winter) I believe 15 feet away with the sled running at maybe 3500 or possibly 4000 rpm..idk about others but my sled engages low at like 2800-3000 rpm so that option is out, or I believe it also stated 50 feet away from the sled at WOT. I'll choose that option lol. Funny thing is, there was a DEC officer at D&D this winter to pick up their sled from being serviced. It was an rx1. Being they're huge into snowmobile exhausts they asked the officer of the rules, after the officer told them, they got their db meter and measured his bone stock rx1 and it didn't even pass, needless to say that law is a joke, but would be nice to know specifics, I'll do some research and see what I come up with.
In WI and MI they go by SAE J2567 stationary method. I couldn't find the procedure anywhere for free. I think it is measured from 4 feet away at about 4500 rpms.
