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Found a Warrior!

rx1ryda989 said:
I burn a half quart every 2000 miles...14k miles on my motor..Any motor at high sustained rpms like these will burn a certain amount of oil.

What sled do you have?
Ok, now I am looking for a different skid. I am looking at either a SC3 or SC4 or a Poo skid, I did a search and read some threads on it. But I am planning on making the Warrior a 144...what would you go with?
Coles55 said:
Ok, now I am looking for a different skid. I am looking at either a SC3 or SC4 or a Poo skid, I did a search and read some threads on it. But I am planning on making the Warrior a 144...what would you go with?
My experience is with an M-10. I love it! once I got it dialed in for my weight, It was Awesome. I can not comment on the other skids but I know there is a lot of information in the build section. Some guys go with a 136" and set it back to make a 144", I would keep checking around and see what you can find for the best price! I know that 4strokelover87 bought a 121" M-10 and added extensions he bought from another member to get his new skid. There are a lot of ways to get this done for a decent amount of cash!
:4STroke: Make sure to post pictures when you get it home! :4STroke:
Will do, is there any market for the stock Warrior skids?? I am putting a ProX skid in with 144 ext's and Walker Evan shocks.
my '04 warrior doesn't burn any oil at all!!! I had an '03 that burned a quart every 500 miles, but no problem at all with my '04!!

You will love it!! get it set up for your riding style and never look back!!

You might be lucky to get $150 out of your skid complete...I have had better luck parting out the RX skids...probably get $200+ out of it that way!!! Only 20-30 min of wrench time to tear it down!!!
I cant get ahold of the guy. Called him left messages, emailed him, and nothing, I think he sold it.
Coles55 said:
I cant get ahold of the guy. Called him left messages, emailed him, and nothing, I think he sold it.
Really!!??? I see it is still listed and he even lowered the price! Might have to offer a touch more to get him to sell!? He's probably holding out to see if he can get more! Maybe we should bombard him with email offers of 3500 lol.... then he would take the 37! lol.....
