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RX Warrior Question

I seriously cannot believe some people! So I called the guy during lunch yesterday and told him that I was coming out to look at it. He said ok cool heres where I live. So after work I go home grab some cash and a check and get to his house around 7 before the Packer game, and as I am pulling through his subdivision I see the sled going by in the bed of some guys truck. As I pull up to this guys house, he shuts all the lights off and locks his doors. I call and call and no answer, I ring the door bell and still no answer. So today I email the guy and asked him what was up and this is what I got for a response. "I sold it, you were late." WOW! I am about to drive to his house today and give him a piece of my mind! I mean seriously WTF! So guys find me another one!

Some people really suck!!! You told the guy you were going to see the sled, he should had waited for you to show up and bid on the sled. At the very least, he could have told you he had other people coming to look at the sled. I have had this happen to me also. keep looking, I am sure you'll find another sled in your region. Good luck!!
Bought my Son's RX1 a year ago last September off of Craig's list from the original senior owner with 9k miles for $3100.00, came with full maintance records from Nelson's and it still had YES on it. I had the dealer replace the exhaust doughnuts under warranty. The records showed new jackshaft/driveshaft bearings and several skid frame wheel replacements, and 15 oil changes. What a awesome sled, there are some great deals out there, even got my wifes RX1 off of John Dee's classifieds, trader her 98 venture with 2600 mi and $2 grand last January with 4500 mi. Then I traded my 03 Viper w/4k mi even up last March fro my RX1, put an ad on Craig's list (for free, how cool, is that site) and struck a deal with a guy looking for a Viper. You will find one, and theyare just awesome sleds!
:4STroke: :yam: :rocks:
Maxdlx, yeah I saw that, really looking for a blue or black one though. And I will keep looking, I am on craigslist nearly everyday looking. And yeah that site rocks, its where I bought my SXR last year for 1600 bucks with 1700 miles on it.
That rx-1 the guy wants 7600 for, heck you can get an xtx at Port for 1250 bucks more. He'll never sell it. I have a 136 stock tunnel ext if you find a rx for cheap and want to strtch it. Paul
Small drive, but good price. http://detroit.craigslist.org/rvs/967802526.html
That is a nice sled, just wrong color. I hate the red, I hated it even when they did it on the viper.
Hehehe, that's the color of Maxdlx's sled !!
Just get one of each color, then you can switch it up :) There are some good deals out there due to the economy. If you go on craig's list for Michigan there are several areas to look ie central mich, UP, west side of the state and southern/norther lower mich etc. It may be a small drive but it will pay in money saved! You can also change the color, My blue sled was liquid silver when I got it, since my son had one that color between e-bay and craig's list I bought the hood, tank cover and seat to change it to blue, all for less then $125.00
:4STroke: :yam: :rocks:
