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front bumper


Apr 14, 2003
lifted my sled off the ground about two feet to change the carbides. went intio the house and got tied up for about 1/2 hr. when i came back out, the bumper was ripped almost completly right off!!! it bent up verticaly, it ripped the bolts right out of the front frame!!! un frickin believable!!! i wonder if yamaha will fix it!!!

:( Manual specifically states not to use the front bumper for lifting for extended periods now i know why sorry you had to be the one too find out for the rest of us. Hopefully Yamaha will cover it :evil:
okay/ here's a real easy way from the old guy/ Got one of those plastic milk crate things that everbody uses for everything ?/ Good/ Now walk around to the front of the sled and with the crate in your right hand lift up on the ski handle (loop) with your left hand/ do not try to lift the sled off the ground / then slide the crate under the front suspension arms/ when you let go/ that side of the sled will be completely off the floor/ pull the main bolt and the ski will drop off and then with the ski in hand you can do whatevers needed easily/ then replace the ski and repeat on the other side/ after you've done this a couple of times it will come natural and easy/later/jim-bob
I just use 2 short 4"x4" blocks .
Lift the ski by the loop slide 1 under the center of the ski. Now you can press down on the ski loop and add the other block on the very back of ski, once that's done pick the ski up by the loop again and this time slide the block which was center toward the front of ski, and there you go.

Easy on the back and the sled does not have to be tipped on it's side.

PS: If I had a floor jack I would certainly use that method but only after checking out a good underneath pick surface, the underside looks pretty soft if you don't have a bellypan protector !! :idea:
Holy #*$&@ guys just use your trusty old floor jack,it lifts up your truck,and just put it under the front dupport bracket,that the A- arms attach to,simple,just did mine tonight no problem,only have to lift it up 2" tap old ones off reinstall new ones,now i have 4 carbides to do,and it only took 10 min. :lol:
I just removed the main bolt that holds ski on and changes them with ski off that way you only have to lift for umm 5 seconds
