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FX Nytro Swaybar on Phazer

Canondale 27-- what fhazer do you have ? Is it the FX. Wondering what bar is on mine. I have the FX.

Its a standard.Best way to be sure of your swaybar size is to just measure it.I believe I have $75 in the swaybar and bushings.
Sounds great cannondale! So you think the 1mm thicker bar really made a huge improvement? Where did you get the the bar and bushings for only $75? I checked at my dealer, and the best price he could give me was $119 for just the bar. Thanks again for the update!
Yamaha shows the same part number for the Phazer FX and the Base phazer

Base and Fx

Gt number is

Just measured my bar and it is a 14mm so I will probably be ordering a 15mm to see how it does this winter. I cann't really complain much about the ride of mine last year except for the last ride of the season when I hooked a ski and went sideways down the trail then flipped. At least my kid wasn't with me and it was just my wife and I. this year should hopefully be good.
I never really updated this.What I found was that at slow speeds say under 30mph this helped alot.Faster you go less it does.I want to try going the other way looking for 13mm or less on advice from someone I trust.Theory is the swaybar basicly has connected your shocks making springs stiffer than if alone.We all agree less preload better it handles faster corners.That may be a indicator of direction to go.Well maybe with less swaybar coming into a corner outside ski will compress better and more with lighter swaybar forcing front into ground effectivly lowering center of gravity and eliminating ski lift.If I cant find a smaller bar I intend to either remove material from mine in surface grinder or try heating it to soften it.If this doesnt work dual rate springs are next option.Any help with finding 13mm?Other models with similar?
1049 said:
cannondale27, not sure which Nytro sway bar you have but there's two diff bars: 15mm for short track, 13mm for Mtn, both are link mounts.

Phazers also have diff types: 15mm link mount, 14mm link mount, 15mm block mount.

Never mind.Thanks.13mm mtn will be ordered tomorrow.Love trying this stuff!
i have a mtn and a fx , my bars are the same ,cuz i bent the one on the fx so i took it off my mnt, i still have a lot of body roll so i am putting in a solid shaft setup off of a sno pro, should work well
I dont think so.But maybe it has more give.I watched my skis both.the outside ski is not compressing(going up) even when the inside one is dangling in the air.High CG is causing this.
