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Grooves in Primary Clutch Sheaves?

27000 km and counting on my Apex. It has grooves too, but I'm not worried about them in the least.
27000 km and counting on my Apex. It has grooves too, but I'm not worried about them in the least.

Figured the softer aftermarket belt might help prevent further damage/grooves, but if they get to a certain point and just stop then I won't worry about it?
Does anyone think that Yamaha would warranty the work for clutch...? my nytro also has these and I have a warranty but not sure if it would be covered ??thanks
Grooves in my sheaves for years. 13,800 miles on the original 8DN! Still within width spec. so I'll keep running her. ;)!
wouldn't worry about it. i'd be more concern if there were fatigue cracks down there but by the pics you're good.

I've had these tiny 1/4" long crack looking things at the bottom of my sheaves for a long time....
I brought it to dealer and they replaced the whole primary they said its definitely common for the grooves due to the hard belts but shouldn't be that bad with only 1500 miles
