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Having trouble getting parts from Pioneer performance?????

Bruce piss me off also.
.....I called him the day my shock was ready to ship and asked his to fex ex only DON'T USE UPS....he said ok no problem...3 days later it come UPS with $100 customs bill to enter Canada (UPS ripes canadians off with broker fee). I called bruce back and his reponse was "what do you want me to do about it, did you put it in writting". I said Bruce but we talked the same day it was to ship and I said "don't ship UPS". The shock cost me $25 to get there and over $100 to get back...

I didn't get sorry, I did get a discount, Ill I got was a rude Bruce on the phone.
Nice for a customer that spent over $500 with him. And paid $169 for a heat exchanger from him when Port was selling the for $85
WILL NEVER DO BUISNESS WITH HIM AGAIN (not to mention he put a dent in my shock)

On the other hand, I had to cancel my order with Scott from Bergstrom cause it was taking too long to ship....he was the nicest standup guy about it, talk to me for 30min after I canceled and STILL insisted on sending me out free shims for my troubles...and this is someone I spent $0 with to date

Guess what I will now always only buy my carbids from him for the rest of my snowmobiling days....

I too agree!

I had read many posts searching on how to improve my front floats performance and was instructed by several well known members here and Snowest to have them revalved for my sled and my weight. I called Pioneer because so many of the TY die hards said they were the best and he said nope can't do anything to floats, never heard of changing them and said it was internet rubish and quit listening to all the kids on the internet. I called HyGear and they said no worries, we can hook you up! Told me how they could change the shim stack for the pressure they are valved best for and really was helpful. I too will not spend any dollars with Pioneer! It's nice to see some new blood here not afraid to speak the truth or there experience even if it's not the best. KUDO'S :-o
Re: I too agree!

GotJuice said:
I had read many posts searching on how to improve my front floats performance and was instructed by several well known members here and Snowest to have them revalved for my sled and my weight. I called Pioneer because so many of the TY die hards said they were the best and he said nope can't do anything to floats, never heard of changing them and said it was internet rubish and quit listening to all the kids on the internet. I called HyGear and they said no worries, we can hook you up! Told me how they could change the shim stack for the pressure they are valved best for and really was helpful. I too will not spend any dollars with Pioneer! It's nice to see some new blood here not afraid to speak the truth or there experience even if it's not the best. KUDO'S :-o
I take everything with a grain of salt (good and bad). There's usually a lot more to most stories than what we actually hear (usually, but not always). I don't think this has anything to do with people being afraid to speak the truth. The great products and service a lot of people have received (and chose to share with their fellow sleders) from Pioneer in the past is not contrived. There's a lot of "The sky is falling, the sky is falling" on the Internet because of the immediacy of it all. I think your right about some of the "new blood" though; they don't seem to be very considerate and this carries over to when they speak their mind on the Internet (type first, think later (or not at all)).

Take a little performance shop like Pioneer Performance who has pretty steady sales year after year and then all the sudden flood them with 1000% increase in sales (a lot of which may be from anxious "new bloods"). One of two things usually happens to a business under this kind of pressure. 1. They figure out really fast how to cope and barely miss a beat but almost always piss a few people off in the process. 2. They continue doing what they've always done only now with a waiting list a mile long. My guess is that Bruce is TRYING REAL HARD to keep up with the increased sales :exc: but it's those special needs cases :whine: that are getting under his skin #$%&* :drink: because they don't want excuses, they want their sh*t NOW! :o| Does this excuse his less than professional behavior towards some? No. BUT, unless you have walked a mile in his shoes don’t be so quick to judge him (unless of course you have never done or said anything inappropriate). Bruce appears to be a little more of a performance guru than a PR queen. People are so used to dealing with big polished corporate entities with thick facades and layers of fluff and/or businesses that have already overcome most of their challenges that when they actually deal with a real human being in the midst of real challenges they don't know how to be patient. :die Or maybe he can sense when someone's not a TY "die hard" and F 's with them. ;):D ;)!
I didn't come on here to bash Pioneer, only to find out if I was the only one that had trouble.
First, I have owned and operated a service oriented business for over 20 years! I understand the needs of the customer and of my people very clearly. When things go wrong, which they do on occasion in our office also, I ALWAYS, explain to the customer, why If, when, how, and then make it right! period! So I'm not a newbie, Not a impatient spoiled brat whom wants it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a pretty laid back guy that knows #*$&@ can happen. But when I get a yes? and silence, that tells me quite clearly that NO ONE cared about my order, or my need as a customer. if I would have gotten a half assed lie, I would have been happy. LOL When I heard the yes? I was thinking ok, just tell me a story, I know how it is!
This week I recieved a special door order for a customer that took 12 weeks! I called the customer bi-weekly, and promptly e-mailed him when he was concerned! I didn't get ANYTHING from Pioneer except a YES? Right down to when I cancelled my order! I don't know whom I talked to, was it Bruce? I truly don't know, at that point It was past the point of introductions because I didn't care.
In fact, I called Richierich and ordered the bar and spring, which he informed me came from Pioneer. So in a sense I'm still on the hook. LOL But I bet I won't get YES? from Richie, I'll get the truth and a call when they come in. Thats all I expected, Did I expect too much?
I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o|
Re: I too agree!

GYTRules!!! said:
I take everything with a grain of salt (good and bad). There's usually a lot more to most stories than what we actually hear (usually, but not always). I don't think this has anything to do with people being afraid to speak the truth. The great products and service a lot of people have received (and chose to share with their fellow sleders) from Pioneer in the past is not contrived. There's a lot of "The sky is falling, the sky is falling" on the Internet because of the immediacy of it all. I think your right about some of the "new blood" though; they don't seem to be very considerate and this carries over to when they speak their mind on the Internet (type first, think later (or not at all)).

Take a little performance shop like Pioneer Performance who has pretty steady sales year after year and then all the sudden flood them with 1000% increase in sales (a lot of which may be from anxious "new bloods"). One of two things usually happens to a business under this kind of pressure. 1. They figure out really fast how to cope and barely miss a beat but almost always piss a few people off in the process. 2. They continue doing what they've always done only now with a waiting list a mile long. My guess is that Bruce is TRYING REAL HARD to keep up with the increased sales :exc: but it's those special needs cases :whine: that are getting under his skin #$%&* :drink: because they don't want excuses, they want their sh*t NOW! :o| Does this excuse his less than professional behavior towards some? No. BUT, unless you have walked a mile in his shoes don’t be so quick to judge him (unless of course you have never done or said anything inappropriate). Bruce appears to be a little more of a performance guru than a PR queen. People are so used to dealing with big polished corporate entities with thick facades and layers of fluff and/or businesses that have already overcome most of their challenges that when they actually deal with a real human being in the midst of real challenges they don't know how to be patient. :die Or maybe he can sense when someone's not a TY "die hard" and F 's with them. ;):D ;)!

Really well said. Furthermore, sites like TY and TY 4-stroke are far more likely to draw posts from guys who have a bitch than satisfied customers.
As I posted previously, Bruce filled my heat exchanger order promptly and accommodated my special shipping instructions perfectly.

I will however agree that he is not the most friendly or pleasant person to talk to. I was a little put off by his demeanor, but in my case this was not compounded by my part being backordered.

I do not know Bruce and I have only had this one experience to base my opinion on. I figured that perhaps I just caught him on a bad day and gave him the benefit of the doubt.

However after hearing all of you validate my impression, I think that Bruce would benefit from some better PR skills which would go a long way when there are supply problems.
I had a good experience talking to Bruce directly about my shock rebuild. He accomodated my timeline which was aggressive due to an upcoming trip and everything went smooth. He might not be the most friendly guy on the phone but I didn't pay him to be nice to me so I didn't care. However, I tried to order a shock bolt track saver thingy and a sway bar from him. I called and left 2 messages, then I emailed him. This was over the course of about 2 weeks. I got no response. About 2 weeks later (a month total) I got an email from Bruce asking if anyone had responded to me yet. It sounds like he's a small shop that gets bombarded in the winter months. Thats all the more reason to staff up, stock up, and prepare. As a retailer in this market, you have a very small window each year to do 85% of you business. I never ordered the parts because the window had closed. It was a month later and didn't really NEED them then.

I would still buy from him though as I don't believe he has bad intentions or is a dishonest person
I had the same prob. with them when I ordered the 13mm . No call , e-mail nothing every time I would call (once a week) they keept telling me next week with no reason why , after 3weeks I canceld and was lucky to find a used one . Now I'm not bashing Pioneer because as a business owner my self I understand things happen . I just think the PR needs improving and just let your customers know whats going on and 9 out of 10 people will understand.
Even after this thread appeared, I ordered, by email, a 13 mm bar from Pioneer (pretty much only game in town). Bruce emailed me promptly telling me that they were on backorder. At the time he'd said they were expected, I emailed him for an order update and he answered me promptly to tell me it had already shipped. It was delivered today, meticulously packaged. Very nice unit, well machined.

Good customer service in my experience n=1. Put me in the "satisfied customer" category.
I've bought a few things from Bruce at Pioneer and have to say I've always been very pleased with the service.

He's been honest, accurate and parts have arrived on time.

Bruce has also always provided me with phone support for any questions.

I did notice this season that he seems to be a little busy and seems a little overwhelmed or something. I asked for a quote on a specific shock valve stack for example and never received it. As far as purchases go, including after sales support, I have had no issues.
