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Heat Shield rattle and warranty questions?


TY 4 Stroke Master
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Niagara Falls, NY
I remember alot of talk about the heat shields rattling after a while. Is this covered under warranty or is there a fix for this?

What are some items I should try and get taken care of before my warranty expires? Any ideas? I have 3500 miles on my sled.
Not that you should do this but I ripped mine out on accident and never replaced them. I had zero probelms!!!
jtssrx, Did you put many miles on with the heat shield missing? Mine started to rattle at the very end of last season and was driving me crazy. Since I'm going to a 136 this summer I am trying to decide whether to remove it entirely our fix/replace it. I guess that it's not covered under the warranty with studs in the existing track. Any other suggestions?
My heatsheild had cracked at the rear rivit, I don't remember any rattle though, been way too long; where is the snow? But anyway mine is being replaced by the dealer under warranty. scott
My heat shield is also coming apart where the spot welds are,i was thinking of putting rivits in to replace those useless little spot welds,never asked about warranty yet.
I to had a shield break and was replaced under warr. But I still had a rattle that I assumed was the front shield that cannot be seen without dropping the susp. but as I was putting the sled away for the summer I found that the rattle was the rear coolant cross over tube, the rivits were loose and was the cause of the rattle that I searched over half the winter
for . I bet I am not the only one :o
I also removed all of mine for about 1/2 the riding season and had no problems. No more rattles either!
I too was pulling off my rear skid area and seat and just about everything getting ready to install my 136 kit and noticed that the rear rivet had caused a cracking towards the hole in the heat shield.

Why would this not be covered under warranty? I have studs, yet I always kept the track tightened down so that this did not cause this problem. I have no doubt that it has to do with the vibrations causing this. Why would studs void it out?.

Keep me abreast as I was just going to be calling my dealer on Monday!

Gibey, the studs have nothing to do with it. I would have to see a pic of your heat sheild or re-examine mine to confirm the location but it sounds exactly where mine is cracked and I had to go the entire season studless. I had torn lugs on my track which were covered under warranty but we weren't able to get it replaced until early Feb. Anyways, I was putting mine way this spring and notice the crack. I am definitely going to say something to the dealer but just haven't made it over there. They will have a hard time convincing me this won't be covered under warranty. My .02 is that it is a design flaw that is causing this to vibrate and eventually crack irregardless if you have studs. I will post an update once I speak to my dealer.
Just checked mine, the rear heat shield is cracked crossways from the right side, just ahead of the front rivets, the overhang of the shield has no support. I could hear a slight vibration rattle towards the end of the season. I have just over 1200 miles. I am supposing this was caused by ice building up on it?
Talked to my dealer, said it should be covered. I never count on stuff til it's in the hand though. I'll let you know if they come through.
Your dealer should cover it. I have had mine in twice for the same problem. Two shields had broken welds and had to be re welded, the other one had loose rivets. Everything on mine is new now, but I bet they will continue to break. It is clearly a design flaw. I wonder what they did in 04. I would remove them, but am worried about heating the track up in front.
Hey RX1 I see your from caddy also. Maybe we should hook up and ride this winter. Lets chat
I started mine today, noticed the sheild is ratteling on it also. The problem is, if you replace them, they'll be ratteling again in a few miles. We need a fix for this.
