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Help Removing Drivers


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Apr 15, 2003
Chittenango, NY
What's required to remove the drivers/driveshaft on the RX1/Warrior? I've got the chaincase apart, but how do I get past the clutch side bearing? Do you have to take the drivers off of the shaft?


there are two small torx head set screws on the bearing collar. Work the shaft/bearing as far out of the opening on the clutch side as you can. The bearing should come through the hole by about a 1/4". Now, look straight down over the bearing at the space between the back of the bearing and the hole you just pushed it through. You should see the small set screws on the collar (turn the shaft a little if not and you will see them). Loosen the two screws, and the bearing will slide off the end of the shaft, and you'll have enough room to get it out.

I'm doing this from memory and not in front of my sled at the moment, but I'm pretty sure that should help you out.

Good luck.
