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HELP with cr10EK spark plugs


Jan 14, 2009
Grand Rapids Michigan
I may be having a brain fart! Bought some cr10EK plugs for my attak. I went to put them in and there is no resister cap on them. I took some off a set of 2 stroke plugs. They are not the same material and they don't fit as tight as the stock ones. Does this matter? I know this probably sounds like a dumb questions but I want to make sure before I put it back together. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I took some caps from other plugs and installed them. I crimped the threads on the plugs a little with pliers, added a drop of locktite and they are tight. You don't want to install them loose, they will unscrew and cause problems later.
The threaded caps are not resistors, they are simply threaded caps. Ditto on not using Loctite and simply roughing up the threads.

Just FYI, if you buy these plugs from Ulmer Racing the caps will be on the plugs.
I bought two cheap plugs from farm and fleet for $1.59 a piece since I could only find two old caps lying around. I don't think they come in different sizes. They may take some fenagling to get them on, but I'd try a bit harder. The caps aren't all shiny, some are dull, but they should work.
The caps should all have the same thread. Just remember that the cap is the conductor so make sure that the threads on the plug and cap are clean and tight.
